I’d prefer they drink bleach or move to Russia.
I’d prefer they drink bleach or move to Russia.
He is mid-40s, oilfield service company owner, that inherited his Dad’s company.
People with 911 Turbos and $120K to spend on another toy don’t need the plebs to be offering advice. They’re just trolling to show off their wealth.
“I own the TV, cause Tragedy thrills me. Whatever flavor, it happens to be...Cause I need to watch things die, from a distance.” - Tool
Yeah, that gif seems a bit much.
As a fellow Mustang owner, that’s a stupid hill to die on.
I get it, I really do. I’m a bit of a Mustang purist myself, but I still bought a Mach-E last year and absolutely love it. I think they really missed an Opportunity to bring back the Fusion as a BEV though. a lot of people want a sedan still
Exactly! Before RV’s, after snow storms, but also before the snow caps disappear.
They’re only disappointed you’re not sharing.
My dog prefers me drunk, cause I play with him more.
Wow. Which dealership group do you own?
That would have been another first: The first human to be hit by a meteorite on camera!
/grabs popcorn
You know what? Agreed!
fractally wrong
Watch out for those gleaming alloy air-cars.
Bradley’s 37 (or something) cars and bikes, each in its own glorious state of (dis)repair, are strewn across the land like Nick Cannon’s children.
I dont always make mistakes when I work on my vehicles, but when I do, I almost always find out after I’ve buttoned everything back up and go to drive it.