Johnny Nosebleed

HBO: "We think it would be great for your football team and your city. I think NFL fans would love to watch the maturation of Manziel in real time."
Browns: "Yeah uh, we both know that's not going to happen..."
HBO: "So we can't film Hard Knocks?"
Browns: "Huh? Oh no, that's not going to happen either."

So if I owned a team called the Negroes, but donated tons of money to the United Negro College Fund, that would make it ok, right?

anyone who's masturbated after doing too much cocaine knows extended contraction of muscles + dehydration is a sure shot to muscle cramps

Things will only get worse when the games shift to Miami's arena, where there's a lack of real fans.

Jordan would have fixed the A/C

I'll be quite honest, I don't really care what professional athletes get paid.

You lost me at "kiss the rings".

It's funny if you listen to it in a certain way, like with the speakers on 'mute'

We wouldn't be discussing this if Finkle had finished the fucking job.

god, is this shit supposed to be funny? It's just a dude yelling, as if yelling makes it funny.

I live just outside of DC, my first reaction to the $360,000 median sales price was that it is either A) an old 600 sf condo in a nice part of the city, B) a decent-sized place in a very bad neighborhood, or C) an hour+ outside of the city (and still a townhouse).

Lance Stephenson is our generation's Danny Ainge.

Eh, still better than when Texas elected Bush.

No, because that is stupid.

God Bless America.

It's all just ridiculous enough to be real

That sums up his last years of his career. He just must not be able to see the balls well, and his defense was kinda weak.

The handle "CDboy99" and lack of a vagina are strong indications but something tells me that the Chuckster isn't privy.

You're really going to make me do the work and look up what an "eephus" pitch is? Not even a single quick sentence describing it?

"The Bart, the."