Johnny Nosebleed

Yo, this is clearly an imposter account people. If it was the real deal, he’d clarify that the level is actually an homage to his name because, as bears are sometimes known to rifle through piles of trash for food, his grand destiny was to rummage through crappy Nintendo support for his levels (hence the name

Yeah. As an avid chess player and a tactical RPG enthusiast, I’d like to point out that a grid system does not a chess-like game make. I feel posturing something as analogous to chess is just lazy shorthand for saying something is smart, but you’re too dumb to explain why. Considering how much time I put in to

Genuine question: is this just a publicity stunt for a stagnant and wildly mediocre franchise, or is this a genuine step forward? And, if it’s the latter, why is it better to recast a role instead over coming up with a better idea?
I mean, recasting Jesus as a white, blue-eyed fella didn’t fix Christianity so much as

Filed under: who cares.
750-ish words of quota-filling content, bereft of any of the intellectual nutrients that communication generally warrants.

There are gonna be people lined up to piss on Trump’s grave once he’s dead. If they managed tickets for it, they could wipe out the Federal deficit in a couple weeks easy. 

Internet streaming celebrity is a toxic thing for the mind, probably more so than other forms of fame, in large part because of the superficiality and intensity of the feedback. It’s sad, but part of the sickness comes from the viewer’s side and the copious amounts of people who feel compelled to impulsively comment

“None of us who are currently living are responsible” will probably be the GOP’s defense when climate change makes the earth officially unlivable. Why not try Mitch for the damages he’s incurring to future generations in all respects to his policies. Or just throw him in front of a firing squad now to expedite some

Cool trolling, but to be honest, New York is two bubbles; one with the transplants and the people who are there (ostensibly) for the cultural potential of the city, and the rest are people who have always been working class urban people. It’s how most east coast cities are, and people have profound blinders to the

Mediocrity is ideal formula for digestible mass-produced content. Sure, I still preferred UCB and Kids in the Hall* for sketch comedy when I was growing up, but the truth is that SNL was always what people watched, even if just to bitch about it.

*On the topic of KitH, I talked to Kevin McDonald recently about Lorne’s

28% still seems surprising to me.
Am I cynical for thinking that about half of those people just had kids before they were ready and they want everyone else to have to share the premature nature of their burden?

Misogynistic? Really?

...and has no solid policy, loves the Jesus, won’t rock the boat much, and will give people a chance to pat themselves on the back for voting for a gay dude.

Someone with influence should try and get Fox News nationally registered as a malicious hate group.

Christ, man... it’s just garbage fast food. Who fuckin’ cares.

Fuck it, they should’ve done it live!

How the law works? Dude, look around you: the law doesn’t work. It’s just a loose reference point for arbitration.

Dude, the last five years of that game have been the same matches recycled over and over. Who give a fuck about a small group of egocentric, overgrown kids playing a grudge match that should’ve been over ages ago? The only reason people care is because of the constant soap opera drama, and even that’s not too

Who couldn’t see her ascent into Wednesday memehood as a way for her to flex her momentum back into the typical banal neoliberal bullshit she’s known for. The problem is that most people rest their laurels on leaders during viral moments that are apart from their individual policies, just like with John McCain.

Only she could be scrutinized for an inconsequential vote. When the options are letting innocent people suffer because of an arrogant president or letting innocent people suffer (and die, in some cases) because of an immoral government agency, I honestly don’t know what choice I would make. That said, pointing at her

Yo, I was just Ctrl+F’ing my way through the comments for a Mission of Burma drop. There it is.