Johnny Nosebleed

Why do people think “ideologues” are a bad thing when it comes to military action in international territories? North Korea, Al Qaeda, and ISIL are all in part products of the machine that has spanned both parties. How can you be against someone distancing themselves from party affiliation while still enacting the

I was gonna respond, but I’ll just let everyone else call you out on sucking the cock of pharmaceutical and insurance exploitation.

I mean, literally. What are you trying to say? Structurally, that sentence is a mess. Did you even graduate high school?

Yeah, the timing makes sense from a marketing standpoint I guess, but I feel like smart analysts have dissected her failures better than she’ll be able to reveal from inside her bubble, from her perspective. She has a tendency to feign degrees of concession, both politically and socially, while still being combative

Considering the wide divide they had in terms of policy, and the fact that he actually tried pushing a liberal agenda rather than a moderate one, I feel like her critiques are wildly misplaced. Trump was gonna be Trump. The book sounds as much like a hit list as anything, and no one in the party is particularly happy

I genuinely think that calling her a democrat does the party a great disservice.

Out of curiosity, why do so many trans people serve in the military? Beyond the fact that the last time we engaged in a non-imperialist military movement was (arguably) WWII, it seems like it’s philosophically an organization that has resisted progressivism as a whole.

I think it was Rosanne who claimed it was Louis, and then went on to say other people made the same accusations. Without a direct statement made, it does put Louis in an awkward place to discuss it either as a second-hand fact or a broad and inexplicit allegation. It’s complicated for a couple reasons, both because no

Ha ha ha. No kidding. The last horse finally crosses the line.

Yo, anyone else leave a him voicemail of yourself laughing while his whiny video was playing in the background?

She would’ve been way better, but I also imagine she’d further canonize the centrist neoliberal movement and I can see a lot of centrists leaning further right just due to banal dislike of her. Call it misogyny or call it idiocy, but the results would have the same political impact for the party. I think the last

I think it’s the context more than the content that’s at the core of the issue. If there’s going to be another discussion about morality and art (which has already been exhaustively discussed for Lolita), a comments section is not the ideal forum.

...and in Pale Fire he even ripped off John Shade’s poem!
Con artist.

I thought this article was gonna be about Trevor Belmont in the Netflix Castlevania series.

“Trump is just a “fuck you” from a dying generation” would be almost reassuring if it weren’t for the alt-right internet twenteenagers.

I have to admit, the most curious thing about Sanders is that he managed to get a few conservatives to, if only momentarily, consider a liberal, which in turn seemed to piss a lot of democrats off.
Mindless contrarianism may be the most toxic trend in politics on all sides.

“Kazunoko’s agent confirmed...”
That shouldn’t surprise me, but it does. I wonder how much of a cut the agent gets?

“Watching anime can be an incredibly rewarding hobby that brings you to new emotional and psychological heights.”

Jesus fucking Christ.