Johnny Nosebleed

Whenever I think of Oregon, I think of my progressive friends in Portland. Then I remember a dude I went to school with who went to eastern Oregon to live on a commune, stock up on guns, and try to “live off the grid” in contented paranoia. There is no state that isn’t weird in some underpopulated corner of their

Oh Catholicism. I want to rip into it here, but compared to neoliberalism, I feel like the Pope at least is more individually progressive and legit.

Cause that number two ain’t smooth.

I’m not so sure how much I care about the life of someone effectively making the world a worse place. The terrestrial liberal in me admonishes all violence, but the existential nihilist in me says fuck ‘im; we’re not losing anything worthwhile.

“Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017,” is clearly the brainchild of some world class cocksuckers.
How much longer until we finally cut the charade and rename the United States to “The Glorious 50 States of Christendom that Obama Tried to Destroy?”

What’s better, the fact that he probably would consider everyone in that entire state to be “poor,” or the fact that he’s probably filed for bankruptcy more times than the sum of everyone in the room?

Pretty sure that’s part of the test for becoming a cop these days.

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A minor contribution from behind the grays:

Those texts are so wildly uncomfortable to reread.

I dropped around $150 for a Sega CD copy of this on eBay back in the web 1.0 era. It was like two paychecks worth of money for me when I was a teenager in junior high. Probably the most money I ever paid for a 6 hour experience—and an experience with very limited interaction at that—but it was totally worth it. Plot

Ha ha. Whoa. Is this how you get your news?
I mean, I believe you on the above quote being false, but do you actually consume these videos?

Her whole punk career, right down to the music, seems to be mostly a pairing of convenience for her; a vehicle to get herself the exposure. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, and I’m not using that as a critique of anything she’s done (though I’m generally not a fan), but it definitely feels like she just hitched her

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How Lydia Lunch views herself and how he actually comes across never really align to me. If anything, I feel like this is the most accurate portrait of Lydia Lunch:

See, now you’re more informed, but still not as intelligent as me. That is, if you believe in degrees of things.

I disagree with that reduction so much. If you don’t think that there are a broad range of degrees that something can transcend beyond other comparable works or the conventions of its medium, then you probably don’t work in the arts.

Feminism is intended to be a means to egalitarianism.
Anything less is some “All lives matter” linguistic acrobatics with a heavy subtext.

This one a rare series that revitalized my interest in anime (only to be subsequently let down by all the other cookie-cutter stuff out there).
Yuasa seems to have a handle on how to tell a narrative in abstract ways, which I think is a bit off-putting to a lot of people who want a more casual viewing experience, but I

Hah, yeah, that’s an odd typo.

More like Bog of Dicks Coalition, amiright?

I feel like Showtime-era Lakers would beat the current Warriors lineup, but ‘96 Bulls would kill the same Lakers team. Conversely, I think the Bulls/Warriors match could be a tossup.