“We’re quick to label people we don’t agree with” is a statement that doesn’t hold much water against racist statements. If saying racist shit doesn’t earn you a racist label, then where do you begin to define anything.
“We’re quick to label people we don’t agree with” is a statement that doesn’t hold much water against racist statements. If saying racist shit doesn’t earn you a racist label, then where do you begin to define anything.
Looks like Turd Burgundy beat you on this one by about 15 minutes.
Barbacoa or bust.
How did Google fail you that you had to ask here?
The New York Times had a pretty good oped about this:
I mean, it doesn’t resolve anything (because we can only wait and see what happens at this point), but it does paint a pretty good depiction of the chess-like draw as the…
Bill Maher’s whole schtick isn’t critical thinking so much as it is contrarian liberalism. People who look to him for any degree of wisdom are fools.
Damn, are you just blasting through the comments section and whining at everyone who doesn’t agree with your “antisemitism is hilarious” policy? Why don’t you go to Stormfront and make friends there?
Start dropping n-bombs at work and see who “gets the joke.”
BREAKING: Political discussions no longer relevant outside of news blogging sites.
The alt-right isn’t seeing it as 1939. 1488, maybe. But not 1939.
Up next: the martyred “I am Richard Spencer” article, replete with a dense and unironic Martin Niemöller reappropriation.
God’s not a fan of any NFL team; only premarital chastity.
Hoist the neoliberal flag, watch it drag.
So... he’ll be able to keep it in the black?
My Facebook feed is caught up in blaming 2016 for everything and lumping individuals’ deaths and shitty events into solitary tallies as a strike against the year. I find it baffling that no one else thinks its asinine and demeaning.
An article about a game.
You gotta give the community credit: people chipped in money for something ambiguous, and he delivered (for an amount that most devs would outright scoff at).
H o l y . . .
“I’m hecka big for this.”
Solid rookie quote.
“Anyway, this show was fine I mostly enjoyed watching it.”
Would you have enjoyed it more if you just weren’t so gosh darn smart and clever as to catch its curveball?