The guitar, where does it go at the end?
The guitar, where does it go at the end?
I think he’s referring to the Napster issue, which doesn’t really relate at all. If not, then I have no idea.
Prepare for a dozen posts addressing each comment made in response to kaiiboraka’s complaint.
Can we talk about that top reply on the Twitter vid, because woof...
This hit take is a flaming bag full of nothing more than shit.
Stay punk, dude.
RIP Bill’s (already undead) career.
A New Yorker bitching about Chicago becoming “the new Boston...”
Jesus Christ.
Why do New Yorkers spend so much time ragging on cities that they never visit because they never bother to leave NYC in the first place?
I don’t like animals dying ever, but seriously...
Of course that cock named his fucking dog “Maverick.”
The toll lane hasn’t made much of a dent on traffic yet, but it’s still a construction nightmare, so I’d recommend following up in 2025 when it’s finally finished...
Well, apparently we have around 5 seasons ahead of us before we know...
I think there’s a lot to be said about the disenfranchising of progressive ideals in favor of middling neoliberalism, but it’s nothing that isn’t par for the course, and the paleoconservative alternative only serves to normalize it further. I think that, it you have a degree of idealism about the country taking…
Is this a sarcastic post?
Honestly can’t tell...
Well, based on the night’s game, it probably wasn’t Roethlisberger who made that perfect throw.
His grumpy old man face at the end is the best. All he needs to do now is shake a stick at those whippersnappers for starting all that hoopla in his yard.
Apple Maps is usually fine in the day-to-day for me, as I use it with Siri to point me places. I discovered that, while driving cross-country, Google was able to find better alternatives around nightmarish Thanksgiving traffic last year.
American Hero, rewarded.
Reid himself told the press that “what the players are doing right now is important.”
Without music theory, these descriptions are just one rung above YouTube posting and blog fodder.