
How do I retrieve it from my rental car cigarette lighter?!?!

How do I retrieve it from my rental car cigarette lighter?!?!

Seems to be a California thing especially on the 5

PC causes male genitals to shrivel and drop off if they where there in the first place. F’n grow a pair.

Why not, we’re getting Jaguars (no not the car) right here in Arizona. They’re following their favorite snack the South American Coati. There was a sighting of a supposed black Jaguar just east of Scottsdale several years ago.

They’re less then an hour from me, I have three little ones (ok and one big one) that are wondering about factory tours?

Worked in tech support for Packard Bells parent company in the 90’s. I win!

Not my bad day but some one we rescued of Powerline trail up in Gorman. Seems he miss a turn while on the power and placed his CR250 in a 75’ tree 50’ down the cliff. We dragged him back up to the trail and spent the rest of the day getting his bike down.

Somewhere I have pictures of the threshing operations my Grandfather was involved with in the Canadian prairie. Hard to belief that my mother was born on the prairie in a sod hut.

What you do s put one of these on a Honda XR650R and enjoy the ride!

Every morning the instructor would have one of us steal a newspaper off a random driveway. He’d then sit and read, oblivious, while we took turns trying not to careen off the road and into Malibu canyon.

Went through high school with a 1964 1600cc Baja. I think I was fixing something every week. Funnest part was the oil cooler embedded in a formula one like scope on the roof. Worked out well until someone at school punched holes in the lines. Nothing like going to school with a bunch of rich low lifes.

Err I know we are often accused of not reading the article but how about, HEY YOU YOU THE AUTHOR HAVE YOU LOOKED AT A MAP? This is the top of the Grapevine there is no sea of pavement but there is some dam nice places to dirt bike.

He may not be prosecuted but he’s probably going to become very broke. The civil case will bankrupt him.

There are other factors that add to the California mudslide. Chaparral a bush that leaves a waxy residue in the soil and $&!?!! gound squirrels, rabbits and others that riddle the hillsides with tunnels. All add up to sudden water soaked hillside n slides.

We’re knee deep in freeway crazies here in AZ, just blessed that no one has been hit yet with all the shooting. It’s sad how one demented moron can cause all these spittle licking copy cat lemmings to come out of the wood work.

Anywhere in Tucson and Barry Goldwater gunnery range, good times with the binoculars. Around the end of the first Gulf War while we still had airshows at the Scottsdale Airport an A10 flew was on display. You could build biceps curling those rounds! Funniest part of the day was a Corsair VA72(? big intake under nose)

No, it’s smaller on the outside.

You will leave your two Jack Russels outside after dark, You will leave your two Jack Russels outside after dark, You will leave your two Jack Russels outside after dark..... who’d a thought there were cougars in Phoenix

I read once that the Hawaiian Islands have caused massive tsunamis as well. Watch out for the El Hierro Volcanic Region if you’re on the East Coast.

Marginally better then the same @ 120° but it’s a dry heat or so the chamber of commerce tells us.