
Ha shows what you know, I’ve seen several people in the wrong spot hit by drops, wet & orange but ok. One got arrested for being a dumbass reporter in a restricted area.

That does it Portland, I’m bringing a friend, and yes its gallons per mile!

Entire I10 freeway in Tucson AZ found to a stop when it flew over. What a sight!

All I could think was how fast he zip out of there if it failed!!

Bob’s a nice name, not at all scary like Arid Dryness of Death!

Neither did anyone in California.

One good drop along the freeway was all they needed.

If they have to drop the retardant before landing then do it on the drones, these assholes loose a few $4k drones maybe they’ll grow up. As for this mess law enforcement and the insurance companies investigators need to track down, arrest and sue those drone pilots. Some idiot will post the fire footage on the net

Biggest problem I see with domestic solar is the home owners associations. I have a friend in Colorado now who put in a system to just cover his needs but his <thedevil>HOA</thedevil> is going to sue him based on looks and that he is generating too much power and thus is a commercial enterprise. So much of a green

Back in the 80’s there was a fire in Westlake Ca burning near homes as fires are known to do. So in comes the helicopter with a big bucket of fire retardant only to find a photographer standing well inside the taped off no mans zone. He paid for being a dick as the entire bucket of reddish liquid landed on him, the

Oh man now I miss home more then ever... been gone too long.

Saw one of these just recently in a basement garage downtown San Fransisco. They wouldn’t let me try it :-(

Years ago while doing work with a contractor at Yuma proving grounds we got on one of those “short cuts” used by Abraham Tanks. So five minutes into the drive while following the butt end of a tank my driver turns to me and says “Unbuckle your belt and if I suddenly jump out of this Bronco don’t stop to ask why.”

Wait for me!!

And thats when I became known as a hugger...

AZ used to have Smog Dogs which where trucks that sat at the side of the road like photo radar and sniffed exhaust fumes using well placed sensors. Worked great, offenders where invited to have their vehicle tested and then told to repair the problems. They found that an even smaller percentage of cars produced the

Ya never know what’s going to come flying at you. I have see one decapition by plywood and one by barrier cable, both in SoCal. My oh shit moment was a sheet of plywood at 75 miles per hour into the front of my rented Tundra. Totaled the truck, I missed the fun as I was checking the passenger side carpet for lint at


This isn’t just solar. I imagine I could save $$$ purchasing off peak energy, storing it and then using it during the more expensive on peak time. Also if enough non solar households had these they would represent a huge storage capacity for the utilities.

One word of caution on the Deuce and a half ( or 5ton ) DON'T drive it around the squire in Arcada Ca. with flags on it. The natives get ugly fast and the cops get mad about you causing a near riot.