
Here are some pics and Info if your in the area on a Saturday.

I’ve probably been there 100x or more over the last 25 years and while I heard the occasional burn out and moron zooming down Indian Bend the Pima Indian Police shut them down pretty fast. Now I can’t speak for the after 12am crowd but the people there fro 5 - 10pm are pretty easy going and I call bull shit.

Its the loud crowd that shows up after 9pm, not so much sanctioned show more of a traditional show what you own event. Been going for YEARS.

Definitely the Pavilions on Indian Bend Rd, but not in Scottsdale I believe that is actually Pima Indian land.

I’ve driven near California brush fires a few times, biggest was on the 18 going into Simi. Man 30+ feet of separation and you could still feel intense heat through the glass. These guys were blessed.

I’m thinking 2004-2006 Volvo XC90 with the V8 and it is imperative you get one with an engine serial number below 7000. It helps if it’s spent its life on the coast. Trust me, you want issues you’ll get them. In spades. Just be prepared to hear the words “At least $2500.00 to start but we won’t know until we look at

Gas or lithium, you don’t want to be around either when it goes up.

Hmmm, early 2000s V8 Volvo XC90 countershaft failures anyone?

Once a month I open Gizmodo to see... nope maybe next month.

It was a long, painfully cold three weeks. In fact two weeks at the new Target headquarters installing 2 Cisco TX9000's and part of a third at Wells Fargo installing a Cisco CTS 1300. Never above 10, fun times :-) I’d do it again!

My nose hairs still haven’t grown back from last years visit!

Remember to defrost the beer before testing, err never mind that's for chickens.

Flying metal can be deadly. Years ago in Canada there was a possible homicide, man’s head was blown off, thought to be shot through his windshield. Some searching through the debris in his truck bed found the cap from a fire hydrant. They theorized it got lodged between the rear tires of a large truck and then

Any solid axle Toyota with an R22 or my old Dodge D50 with the 2.6. The D50 was fantastic until the NOS did its damage.

Wow all that and you can still open the factory equipped doors. Kudos Chevy!!

Change your identity, change your career and moved out in the dead of night. It’s the only way - trust me I’m part of the support group.

They tasted gross gross grosss.

That book got me through high school. Learn everything I needed in life!

After seeing the “care” used by a dealer here in AZ to store a Saleen S7 I can understand Fords need to demand better service for this little dream car. Dust, bird poo and what ever was dripping through that crack in the steel roof, on a S7 0h my.