
I ate a semi’s whole front tire at 75mph once, trust me when I say you have no idea what’s going on for 10-15 seconds after getting punched in the face by that air bag. And at 75mph the speed and lack of vision just adds to the excitement.

Arizona. Hot dry - hot humid summers and a mix of weather all winter across the state. I’ve left Phoenix at 75° and while driving through rim country been hit with driving rain, heavy hail, freezing temps and snow only to arrive back in Phoenix to a huge dust storm. All on the same day. We have plenty of nice two lane

You can get some wild displacements swapping out cranks, different length rods, moving the wrist pin position, boring and messing with the chamber size of the heads. It all boils down to what you need bottom end grunt or top end speed.

August in Phoenix is like January in Fargo. Why would you go outside?

We have a big cat rescue facility here in AZ called Out of Africa, owners did in cage presentations with everything but the cougars. They said the cougars are just batshit insane and could not be trusted ever. This from a man who swam with bengal tigers, lions and had a panther who was madly in love with him. If your

Nothing makes me turn off my speakers faster then those constantly repeating progressive ads on talk radio. I wonder if they even care I'm not listening any more?

I’ve had several friends killed either doing this (murdered by the other driver) or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Find the other driver, bury them both under the prison.

Instead of chocking on peanuts how about a nice dose of anaphylactic shock. Give them a sense of what its like to live with a ailment that can be trigger without warning!

Once saw a cheat that used exhaust tubing, probably spent more time faking it then it would take to do it right. He even found a way to cheat the thickness check. He wasn’t worried about cost, just weight.

You ever wear a cheap headset with a whistle at the other end of the line? Ouch, gotta hurt.

Tear-assing my way up to Denver one early January, enjoying the crisp air, the plowed roads and beautiful forrest of Arizona. Off to take a shortcut to the I40, 70 miles of high speed two lane -easy peasy. Whats this! no one plowed the 277 OR the 377. Well lets just say a Honda Accord on old summer tires is not the

I look deeply into the powerful image of Raptor, desert and seats, death stares back.

Sorry but having to deal with a parent who is currently losing his faculties and becoming more and more difficult to work with this isn’t remotely funny.

Spent a week at the Ahwahnee, as it will always be to me. I hear Christmas there is an absolute blast.

I made my 1996 Honda XR650R street legal with a brake switch and a squeaky horn, true story! Still only took one ride through Sun City and the blue hairs to make me quit.

If you can register this in AZ why not a Hummer?

Missed that on my ban list to.

Dam forgot to add that to my list!

I agree, along with skydiving, rock climbing, mountain biking, dirt biking, walking the Appalachian Trail along or any trail for that matter, road racing, NASCAR, Formula One, rally racing, drag racing, air races, air shows, drifting, any two wheeled device, mountain climbing, kayaking, scuba diving, zip lines,

We did it first! AZ US 89 south of Page. Hey could someone ungrey me?