
Don’t move, it can’t see us if we don’t move.

Just the back. I prefer my front lines clean.

You’re wasting your time...

Best way to remove a blood sucking leach? Tell that Democrat that there’s a free Obama-phone giveaway right down the street!

I’ve always thought that “attempted murder” could be tacked onto “assault” when kicks to the head are involved.

A dealer can charge whatever fee they want. But if its their fee, it’s part of the price of the car. Not something to be added to the bottom line after the price is negotiated. And if it’s hundreds of dollars it rapidly becomes worth driving to another dealer. Especially in Connecticut where you’re a trivial distance

Two things I’ll never a car from craigslist, or own a XC90.

Anybody feel better now?

too bad gawker ended up ruining it for errbody

It’s like everyone here is supposed to read the Gawker-verse guide to groupthink:

As someone who doesn’t have allergies, I won’t even be as nice.

As someone who suffers from various allergies, I’ll try to be as diplomatic as possible here. That said...

You................sound like...............a.................very...............................miserable...........................human......................being.

You are a fucking idiot.

If someone dies during the commission of a crime, even by totally unrelated means, it lands 100% on the person committing the crime. Thems the rules. are just so angry and desperate to say something against Fox, that you randomly pull it out of your ass for this story? Even though only CBS was mentioned in it.

dirty diapers stuffed in McDonalds bags alongside half eaten cheeseburgers in the trunk


take off eh

Y'know, I think we've all had this sort've design choice once in our lives..