@major disaster: He's just nervous. He's in the big show!
@major disaster: He's just nervous. He's in the big show!
@Camp Tiger Claw: And with more hair, I'll thank you very much.
Don Orsillo's calling the game on TBS! Every baseball game is a Red Sox game! Hooray!
He didn't answer the question: Where do the Angels stand, in Los Angeles or in Anaheim?
The Wallflowers would like to dispute Chris Berman's just-made assertion during the pregame show that the Foo Fighters covered David Bowie's "Heroes".
Why so much contempt for New England sports teams, Deadpsin? Why?
Didn't the Marlins win the World Series as recently as, uh, four years ago?
How dare that blog complain about a dearth of national coverage for the Injuns. The Drew Carey Show was on was on the air for, like, nine years.
All of this would be more admirable if the dudes wouldn't actually (and so vehemently) use the term "Prank War".
I know most everyone who comments on Deadspin hates Red Sox fans (of which I am one) (or maybe it just appears that way because I'm oversensitive); does the same go for Patriots fans (ditto)? I just want to know where I stand.
Pats seem unable to stop scoring. I guess Belichick stopped using the plays that Mangini stole last year. The only thing that's his own is his current look of constipation.
@Unamerican: I feel the complete opposite.
"This is Kige Ramsey for YouTube Sports."
In Tampa Bay, no one can hear you run your mouth.
...I would be listed between Eric Moneypenny and Warren Moon."
Cromwell, CT to Boston, MA = 113.53 miles
"I know it was upsetting to Barry."
"Wild Thing" Vaughn wore a fucking leather vest onto the field in Major League 2? I didn't recall that. Guess the filmmakers were really hammering the whole "this team's forgotten the value of the game" point home.
If there were ever a time for Red Sox fans around here to be embarrassed, this is probably it.
@VicStarsky: So...have you been worried about how Problem Child could have been improved since the movie first came out?