John Sartoris

That's what I don't understand about the whole thing at this point. If you're not going to enforce this "policy" then what's the point of having it in the first place if not to shame trans women who come?

“The world gets downright violent when it comes to ownership of your body, person, and life as soon as you turn up pregnant. I see nothing wrong with recognizing the common experience of women who’ve been through this — which is most of us.”

We have said that this space, for this week, is intended to be for womyn who were born female, raised as girls and who continue to identify as womyn. This is an intention for the spirit of our gathering, rather than the focus of the festival. It is not a policy, or a ban on anyone. We do not “restrict festival

You didn't answer my question. You didn't show that gamergaters will be happy with SJW involvement. You said they would be happy if they keep to the role gamergaters would be happy they took. Big difference. So, Waltfeld's assertion that gamergaters will "get what they want" is still incorrect. People caring

1. Firstly, I don't work for Kotaku. Secondly, you don't specify what exactly would satisfy gamergate as a whole—we'll assume you don't know. However, you do acknowledge gamergaters as a whole would not be satisfied by what satisfies you. So, we can move on.

Firstly, I did not say there are "independent groups;" I correctly said there isn't an anti-gamergate side. Remember what I said about reading fast as opposed to reading well. And yes, you are reluctant to criticize gamergate; you have refused to do so in three straight post; that is clearly reluctance. Your

And I will call you "limpdick," limpdick...for obvious reasons. So, it's not the person who says the N-word who is the racist, it's the person who decries it? It's not the person who uses misogynistic words who is the misogynist; it's the person who decries their use? That's pure nonsense.

The only one trivializing misogyny is you by consistently using misogynistic words as your insults of choice on this thread. Defending that usage doesn't help you either. Of course those misogynystic words "roll off your tongue;" you clearly enjoy using them.

I'm not interpreting anything. You specifically said "twat," you got called out on its misogyny and you're backpedalling pathetically...:)

A safe space for men to discuss women without a female audience is fine, as is a safe space for women to discuss men without a male audience.

I know that and you failed to show how it can happen on a case-by-case basis. As I shoed above, she didn't "delegitimate" feminism.

Nasty misogynistic comments like the "manipulative twats" one you provided are a perfect example. You might have just been one of the "cunts" you mentioned. What a shock. Sarkeesian endured many such personal attacks on her twitter and on other sites, which you know very well.

You also don't directly address the same group of people who have been harassing and threatening you, no matter how much they claim to be "helping" you.

That's fine you just care about those things; that's your right. However, many other gamers care about many other things and want characters to also represent themselves, not just white males...and that's their right, too.

But MANY of the "moderate" gamergaters echo the "talking points" of the gamergate "cunts" Only a few gamergaters may actually harass or threaten Sarkeesian, Quinn, and Wu; but many gamergaters continue to badmouth her on the internet, which feeds those harassing and threatening "cunts."

But she didn't make "dumb" arguments, and her examples and goals were valid. However, even if she did, as the previous poster noted, one person can't delegitimate anything....even gamergate.

Yes, depraved hatred is absolutely accurate. You continue to show so in your last post. And at least you admit you're being belligerent; that's a start.

Denying evidence isn't harassment; anyone who thinks so is severely thin-skinned. I suggest you toughen yours up. And I didn't deny your evidence; I completely debunked it. Big difference. I always accept facts when they are actual evidence; you just keep failing to provide any evidence. It's clear by now you

You think I've harassed you, guy? If so, please show me where and how. If you do, I will apologize profusely. Of course, we both know evidence isn't your strong point...;)

No, we have just established that Sarkeesian DID do research and effectively used it as supported evidence. Now you're just completely shooting down everything I have to say without any shred of evidence. I already don't take your discussion seriously, since you haven't successfully supported any of your arguments