John Sartoris

I didn't dismiss it solely on their side. I dismissed it based on its bias AND its fantastical, unproven speculations founded on very flimsy "evidence." Don't you think it's naive to use a biased blog with fantastical, unproven speculations founded on very flimsy "evidence" as evidence to support your argument? If

Are you just willfully unable to support your slanderous accusations with any evidence or are you just too lost in your hatred for Wu, Sarkeesian, and Quinn?

I've seen a fair amount, and I haven't been looking for it at all. I view Gamergate as gaming's Benghazi - it alleges a scandal that has no basis in reality, and even if there was a basis, it would be a very poor scandal (it wouldn't matter at all) but instead of being about what it claims to be about it is simply a

The thing is, she doesn't come on like some firebrand and attack video games. She talks about specific negative tropes that we should probably get rid of. It's about the most non-offensive way that you could possibly point out problems in the gaming industry. Yet, people get defensive and see it the way you seem

If only that were the case Champ, if only that were the case. It's crazy that, for such a long time this has been going on. In 2007, a dude got fired over at gamespot for writing a bad reviews about a game when he was told not to, and no one made a hashtag about it. Not many people really cared. People were getting

Well, the people against feminism do that all the time. I don't know where you've been, but they've been pretty successful. The truth about feminism is that it's a perfectly reasonable movement filled with mostly reasonable people, yet when people think of feminists, they mostly think of crazy man-haters. That's no

The problem is, GamerGate is toxic now. Too many death threats and vile insults coming out of it and associated with it. Most of the GamerGate conversations here actually have nothing to do with GamerGate's supposed issue, it's just GamerGaters arguing their movement isn't the ones making the horrible threats, and

In a nutshell, its where anyone (usually female) who criticizes video games or the culture around it, gets harassed and has their personal information publicly leaked so random people on the internet with so little to do in their own lives can go around sending various threats. You aren't missing much.

Easy there, little fella, your losing composure speaks poorly of both you and your position. It's not a matter of choice between two evils. I condemn both. Yes, your exculpating a post celebrating the bullying of nerds who still actually suffer bullying was reprehensible. It puts you just below defending tweets

Do you realize how crazy your rant you just posted is? 8 1-3 line sentences that aren't even sequential. Get help, man. Whether it be mental or grammatical, you truly need it.

Uh oh, my educations jabs got to you, and now you're trying to return them. If you take my having a "bad" education from my posts, than you're a worse reader than I imagined. I have a M.A. and Ph.D. in English literature, and I read and write just fine. I've done so in proving you both wrong and foolish throughout

Cute now, huh? Little Gunneh is getting sweet on me; how precious.

I'm not feeling attacked; you DID make juvenile personal attacks against me like "What drugs are you on." While the attacks fell flat and missed their mark, you still made them. I understand it's out of your gamergate playbook, but it's still lame. Although my sardonic of "genius" against you has clearly ruffled

Here comes the vitriol. Once you gamergaters get called out, you just gnash your teeth and spew the personal attacks. You also clearly have a hard time reading. I specifically said there are OTHER people than gawker that don't dox, bright boy. I was talking about them.

And now you've compared the allies to the nazis. Un-freiaking-real. Get this straight, the two sides aren't equal. One side has fomented misogynistic hate and incited and sent misogynistic threats to women like Sarkeesian, Wu, and Quinn. The other "side" just wants this crap to stop.

I made no assumptions, Hog, I just made accurate observations of YOUR own words. And you actually just said "bucko;" that is so adorable. Are you gonna say "hip" and "groovy" next? Also, when you say you're "done with something," returning after being called out on your foolishness only makes you look more

You didn't do anything of the sort. You gave no examples of the so-called "legitimate mature issues" you spoke of in your second paragraph. That's because you know there aren't any.

First of all, anybody who says "shut the fuck up" in an adult conversation has NO place including themselves among the grown-ups, and you haven't been one of them from the start. Nice try. And you DIDN'T actually say anything about gamergate's so-called legitimate issues in your second paragraph; you didn't identify

I already answered you. If nobody in your group is fomenting misogynistic hatred towards women, then you will have no problems. Is that too difficult for you to grasp?

You gamergaters have a hard time reading and/or a hard time keeping track of your past posts. You explicitly made the Islam comparison in your 7:37 post. So, pay attention, Nomo.