
Has her shorts always had giant ass-grabbing hand prints?

I would like to take this opportunity to tell everyone that I sometimes cannot tell the difference between Rihanna and Prince. Is this normal?

The only way anyone could not think cheerleading is a real sport is by never actually watching any real cheerleading.

My original point was the exact opposite! It is easy to get booze in PA. I love buying my cider by the case, rather than anything small.

Pennsylvania makes up for the no booze in normal stores thing by making so they can't sell you anything smaller than a case.

Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton.

One of the things I hate most about concerts are the times I end up grabbing some woman's butt just because that is the way the crowd tossed her at me. I feel so bad.

That ugly ass thing didn't come out of me.

What the fuck, managed to return the child to his family in the opening cutscene. Where is the game?

So Taco Bell may be offering subs soon? Isn't that kind of an oversaturated market already?

Part of the problem, I think, is the lack of separation between bullying and assault. If someone is only saying shit, yeah, grow a pair. If someone is hitting you, that is assault, not bullying.

You only NEED one! Be PRACTICAL here.

This is the incredibly selfish reason that I am a feminist. Why would I want a woman who exists only to serve me? I can take care of myself, like any Real Man™.

Wait, I thought women generally had hairless chests? Why are you guys wasting money on this stuff in a world where duct tape exists? Once again, a MAN sat down and thought out a problem logically and efficiently and solved it much better than emotional women with their boobs and other mystery areas.

Well, it was Senior Prom, which, for my group of friends and buddies was really just an excuse to dress up, get drunk, and screw around until it was time for the after party. When the cops busted us I got handcuffed because , even at that time, I was a large and intimidating adult, so they thought better safe than

Handcuffed in the back of a moving cop car.

Why don't lingerie sites tell you how easily the stuff tears? That is my primary concern here.

I send shelfies out iin lieu of dick pics to women I am attracted to. Also, for me, shelfies will always be pictures of my bookshelves.

What kind of bizarre, horrible world do we live in where men wear underwear?

It is my belief that men like this have never actually brought a woman to orgasm, so they think that women can never enjoy sex.