
I thought human experiments this bad were broken back down and feed to the others?

True, I am a Marine.

Or it could be that pull ups are incredibly stupid.

I would like to say that I named my son Darth Conan, and no one has given him any trouble for it. I mean, who would fuck with Darth Conan?

Nope, that is the original

Never once saw combat. I was of the brain caste, and did not need to fight. It also never seemed to come up in my limited training, other than the training to do pull ups.

I miss the days when Lorde spelled their name with an I instead of an E and wore their trademark makeup.

I was a 6'1" tall Marine with long arms. Despite 5 years of training, I could never do more than 12 pull-ups. I did, however, get my max bench over 450 pounds! But that doesn't count for shit, because our physical standards and promotion system are both royally fucked.

Holy crap do men have bad taste in women.

Man, having confidence in what I say and do is soon going to become a super power.

Keep ICE-T in ChrICE-Tmas!!!

This is a joke, people.

Oh man, look at all these LIEberals attacking the attempts of the GOP. Looks like those that ask for TOLERANCE are the most INtolerant, am I right?

I would never shop for my SO at Victoria Secret. Their underwear tears WAY too easily to be interesting.

My favorite Marine joke, as a Marine has always been:

Apparently saying "as-salamu alaykum" when greeted with a Merry Christmas is offensive. Why can't people just accept it as a general nice thing to say?

It is nice to see reality TV stars giving back.

Their judgement is obviously terrible if they waste time on stuff like that. So, yes, I would totally think they are incompetent.

Well, yeah. If I saw a woman in the field with her makeup done up, I would totally consider her incompetent. There are far, far more important things to worry about.

The closest thing I have was the time I was at a con (Dragoncon, I think) and someone hit me in the back of my bad knee with a bag or something. I spread my arms out to catch my balance and accidentally touched Felicia Day's ass. I felt like such a con creeper that I hid, and still feel bad to this day.