
I think it's the idea that those who died have individuality and reserve the right to a proper Christian or Jewish or Muslim or whatever burial. I'm an atheist who doesn't give a shit what you do with my body but in a city and a country where these types of coffin burials are par for course, its incumbent upon the


I kind of liked it. It had a sweet, vagueness to it,not to meantion I'm not sure how non-insipid two minutes of artsy non sequitur dialogue can really be.

I thought I made it clear I was referencing violence involving more than one party. Indeed, in this analogy, suicide would be masterbation.

Isn't this thought experiment severely limited by the fact that no consensual analog (with sometimes overlapping fact patterns) exists for murder? If such a thing were a thing, if volunteering to be killed and the act of being killed were a ubiquitous and natural part of the human condition then determining the

Patents are not actual news! They're not even fun speculation, they're a corporate dragnet of ideas that don't have any actual bearing on what a company will or will not do.

"I'm the last person you would want to ask how to make a smooth IPO," he joked. Ain't that the truth.

Uh, you forgot the most egregious commercial exploitation of them all:

That's totally something a hipster would say.

Agree with your sentiment but I also think "douche", like "terrorist" or "hipster", is a meaningless label used by the addle minded so let's say it's just the new "+1"

This. To paraphrase Llyod Bensten: I know Pot, I worked with Pot, and you sir are no Pot.

Now playing

I love that Taiwan takes banal and tedious American pasttimes and turns them into bloodsport. (see also: legislating)

Uh, why does this outstanding Mighty Ducks reference not have 1 Billion stars?

This drunk buffoon was inadvertently teaching us all an important lesson: enjoy life, stop documenting it. Please.

It is funny how people assume that pernicious state surveillance magically stopped in 1980 and all surveillance today is well-regulated and of the purest intentions.

Yeah, Canada's cool I just like fucking with Canadians who bring up the war of 1812. (Which, I know, America LOST and Canada (not Britain) WON. But no matter how much I can intellectualize that and no matter how liberal I may become, I still have an odd dislike for Canada even though I have no rational reason to.

Since the military says it won't foot the bill, anyone know if anyone has started a fund or kickstarter or something to help pay for the therapy if allowed? This would be a worthy cause considering the larger injustice at work.

I blame sorkin

Well, you guys haven't "lost a war" in the same way a rich 23 year old who lives in his parent's pool house has never "not paid rent". Congratulations. (We're keeping tabs btw)