
Oooohh, twistin' the tiger's tail indeed.

No, you misunderstood. They're saying the actual, literal, size of countries is distorted because the map favors 16th century European shipping lanes at the expense of fidelity to size or hemispheric symmetry. A practice which, intentionally or not, has deeply colonial and racist consequences. Below shows the

But they're NOT representative of square milage. That was they're point.

Now playing

We've truly been lost for a while. A reality summed up in this clip which, for me, captures the essence of what defines both countries: Ignorant bravado marked by troll (America) and measured but righteous condescension with a touch of polite jingoism (Canada)

The globe will still have north on top.

Why is it dumb? Sorkin's hamfisted writing or the idea that maps are deeply political instruments of bias and colonial legacy?

That's cute, but remember: Canada exist for the sole reason that America ALLOWS it to exist. In the early stages of the impending Water Wars, when some random guy in Arizona, so much as grows mildly irritated by his water's flavor, don't be shocked when the US Seventh Fleet docks at Pender Harbor with a list of

Tejada will spend his time off staying up for days at a time, chain smoking and writing long, rambling screenplays where all the charters talk really fast and nothing ever seems to happen.

No. Way.

/Begins buying up swaths of real estate in the panhandle for nothing

When are you guys going to join the bandwagon and stop using that silly racist moniker? You're all a bunch of sentimental bleeding heart liberals deep down inside and we all know it

I think we're more or less in agreement.

Oh, I believe there was sincere outrage both in Russia and among the media about these laws to be sure - just not with the White House, not pre-Snowden. According to a time specific google search, the only evidence the U.S. government said anything about Russia's anti-gay laws before the NSA stories was via a State

I don't think it's progress is my point, it's cynical geopolitics. I'm all for applauding actual progress and do often over at Gawker.

I got carried away with my triple negatives, my point was that proving the President doesn't truly care about gay rights in Russia is a strange burden of proof that was entered into the dicussion to provide further handwaving in the absence of a broader conversation about America's other, more urgent, geopolitical

Wouldn't that only make me three quarters full of shit then?

Good catch. Thank you.

Yes, typically great human rights gestures take place on Jay Leno. Jay Leno is the historic forum for sweeping declarations of equality, as opposed to middle brow calculation where one can espouse talking points to a large audience without questions or cynical retort.

Fatuous and petty parsing of words. Creating a moving goal post of standards of opinion that any thinking person could figure out themselves without any qualification of "I feel" or "here's my opinion".