Or maybe it's more like telling your friends that Norway is the European country that's known for its pizza.
Hot take.
Such a dumb commercial!
Marine Todd works out on the surface of the sun while eating Atomic Fireballs hard candy. I heard NHL players do that as well.
I was 99% sure Pedro had killed him. I remember yelling to my friend, who was in the other room, "Pedro Martinez just killed Don Zimmer!"
is this the longest gif in history?
Per usual, Diaw relished the opportunity to finish his teammates' dishes.
So wait, he now has half of what he had going in? I think my ex-wife invented that trick.
This isn't pointed at you Tim, just a general thought. What did we really learn here?
Mike Woodson's goatee is painted on with a black sharpie, right???
Completely valid, but you didn't say that.
Yeah, make your layup when a 7 footer contests your shot, makes you do a reverse layup, and still isn't a clean attempt and you need to put english on the ball. Make your layups
That was a sweet crossover on the way to a missed layup. When can we get a post w/some no look passes that wind up in the crowd up in here?
Literally no one knows.
This just made my day. I still remember what it was like attending UNLV games during the 1989-1991 era, and I was just 4-6 years old. There were laser light shows of Sharks all across the Thomas and Mack reference Jerry Tarkanian's nickname "Tark the Shark." I remember being really confused as a young'un when they…
They must be using Kinja
Indian Fan Dude: The one constant through all the years has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It's been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time.This field, this game, is a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good, and that…