
Meh. I like jumping through hoops like that. It's interesting and a learning experience.

I recall it actually doing this to me recently. It would get past the Obsidian logo and then freeze up but music would still play. Only difference is I have a bunch of mods installed so I just had to find one that was causing the problem, verify steam cache integrity, use BOSS, and then FNVEdit. That's overkill for

And did you seek help from Obsidian about this and getting it to work? Or perhaps a fan made patch? There's a good chance that someone who has run into this problem before has also made some kind of fix for it. There may be something you have to change in one of the ini files. I apologize for being a dick. My

Bethesda didn't make the game, Obsidian did.

Oh I read it. All you said was it was broken which is not true at all since millions of other people CAN play the game. Sounds like a whole lot of your problem, not the studios or Valves.

That would be obnoxious to me especially with how boring and broken SC2 is currently. Here's hoping Legacy of the Void fixes the stuff that made me not enjoy StarCraft 2 anymore.... or at least finish StarCraft Ghost.

I lost my Demon Hunter (going on second play through back when the game was still relatively new) because i was on hardcore mode and got a lag spike. Fucking lag ended up killing her because the game delayed as I was using the escape move she has (forgot the name of it).

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Don't remind me about StarCraft Ghost. That game still looks and sounds awesome to me.

That's funny. I like jokes too :-)

I got my PS4 because GameStop was having a good deal. Trade in your PS3 and/or 360 and you get $150 off the PS4. I had a 360 and a PS3 that were literally gathering dust in my room (I became a hardcore PC gamer during the last console generation because of StarCraft 2). I figured, well I am going to want the PS4 at

Which part did I admit that I let others form my opinions? Because I chose not to spend money on a movie most people say is generally a bad movie? Excuse me for being an adult with responsibilities and having to be careful with my spending.

It was after 3 they changed. The Room was supposed to be a spin off game actually which is why it felt really odd.

Not to mention the mandatory shower scene.

Ehh I would take that as they are doing it based solely on track record. The only game that didn't eventually come to PC from Rockstar was Red Dead Redemption.

Doesn't change the fact that it is no longer exclusive to Xbox. Lol.

They said it was not coming out on the PC or did they just simply not comment on the subject? I don't recall seeing them say it will never be on PC.

I was watching the Trailer and wondering the same thing.

Because with an EA game there's a good chance that it will have microtransactions. This game has not ever been released anywhere. Period. It's like when Eternal Darkness came out for Game Cube but was originally an N64 game. Or how Duke Nukem was originally an Xbox, PS2, Game Cube title but never made out on those

Yeah they will probably retitle it so that it can come to other platforms. Just like Ninja Gaiden. Ninja Gaiden was an exclusive to Xbox and Xbox 360 so they just retitled the game with the word Sigma after it and it was released on PS3/Vita.