
Until gamers stop acting like children the general public will still treat gaming like a child’s past time.

Yeah, sure. In Mario Kart. When you’re screaming at the television and no one can hear you.

Uh, no. It’d be like your friend throwing you out of their house for calling one of his friends an asshole.

Man, watching old sonic gameplay really reminds me why I didn’t really like it. (aside from Sonic and Knuckles) it really is “Hold run and speed up until you either get hit and lose all of your coins or a platform stops you.” Not to mention the game really didn’t have speed. All of the loops and fast parts you sit and

People like you are the reasons we can't have nice things and warning labels exists that read like common fucking sense.

No upgrades, though I might get a 980 or amd 3 series after that comes out.

I count myself lucky for my low standards - allows me to enjoy more video games.

How is this not the funniest thing you have seen all week?

Honestly, I wasn't either, until The Counselor:

I can't believe all this negativity surrounding the film. Do these reviewers not know who Seth Rogen and James Franco are? Because every single review I've read so far sure seems like this comedy duo is new to them.

Jedi Stu don't need to advertise.

Zombies are pretty small potatoes for Carol, after she single handedly fought through an incursion of nightmarish creatures from a hell dimension to save her kids a while back.


54 people starred him in 45 minutes. Regardless, good joke. I just wish George Carlin was here to have said it.

Cersei will remember what you did.

You won't believe how much I compare everything to iOS.

It's true! Now that the Star Wars franchise was so brutally destroyed, the great Marvel has arisen to fill our pop-culture voids!

I take exception to that doctored last image...