
Exactly because it is blatantly CG. Its as bad as the Star Wars prequels. If that is from a real location then Zach Snyder needs to clean up his over stylized shots because it looks atrocious. There is no way you can look at that and say, wow that shot is so real looking. It pulled me right out of the trailer, that’s

Easily some of the worst CG I’ve ever seen.

When I first saw it I thought it was fine.

This is what TV has become and frankly its a lot better this way. Only downside is the fact that after you binge it in 2 days you are stuck waiting an entire year for the next season but it feels way longer than normal TV.

Isn't that the main quest for Skyrim? Figuring out which mod broke it? I mean I have like 300 hours of doing that.

In the last movie meaning Battle of the Gods? I didn't see that one yet

Pilaf as in Emporer Pilaf? That guy is still around?

Frank Darabont was doing great until the last episode of the first season. That episode was just yuck. But yeah they are on a roll with the this show since last season I think. I wasn't the biggest fan of how they did things with the Governor.

Lets get real here, the stopped following the comics a very long time ago. Sure once in a while they have a part of the comics like Bob getting eaten by the cannibals (Dale deserved to have that death, not the shitty one he had in the show). For the most part they aren't really following the comics anymore. A lot

Rick Moranis does. While he's looking for new and exotic plants.

And her voice last year, Joan Rivers. So three times.

The video of him telling the swatters to stop because cops pointed guns at his little brother almost had me in tears. At the beginning of December I lost my little sister to a combination of diseases and I would never ever wish the kind of pain I felt from losing my little sister on anybody no matter who they are or

This is a shinning example as to why I can't take LoL seriously and to a lesser extent Heroes of the Storm. The cosmetic items are really, really bad looking. They don't fit with the actual game world which is a good way to pull someone out of the experience.

Oh yeah that was what the opening of Skyrim was like.

I guess there are a lot of insecure men out there.

Hey that really sucked McBain!

While I didn't find it very funny at all, Bridesmaids did fairly well if I remember correctly.

Ahh ok. Fair enough. I played it for a little while. I wasn't fond of the visuals personally. Dota 2 has a sense of humor as well. Can't speak for LoL though.

Ohh a wise guy eh?

Other than the community, what makes SMITE better than Dota?