
If everyone knew it was happening then they aren't the worst offenders. There was no reason to be upset over GTA not coming to PC at all, every other version of GTA has come to PC beside the PSP spin off games. Plus there was that thing someone found in the code that had PC and the code names to the next gen

Plenty of people hate that Bayonetta is exclusive to Wii U. The difference is Nintendo has made the Wii desirable for other things besides the one title which is why sales are going up on the system. Microsoft has got nothing else that's worth looking into besides Halo, if you are into the Halo series. I don't

Dead Rising 3 is coming to Steam though, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... yeah...

In A Song of Ice and Fire Robb Stark was only 14 years old. In Game of Thrones he's 18. Didn't change his character at all. The same goes for ever single child in the series. They all were anywhere from 2-4 years younger in the book than they were in the show. FYI Maisie Williams is only 15 or 16 in real life.

Meh. This is like that time Capcom said Dead Rising 3 was exclusive to Xbox One.

You could just say shallow you know? Or you could say you prefer a cute little 14 year old. I won't judge.

Why does the look matter as long as she can play the part though?

Why does that matter? Maisie Williams is a great actress and would be excellent as Ellie.

Reach and First Strike were awesome. I remember one part very specifically. The part where Master Chief is fighting an Elite with his bare hands. It was brutal.

Maisie Williams is perfect for the part and that's who they are considering for the role anyway.

She would never play Ellie. Ellen Page is still probably pissed at Naughty Dog for using her likeness in the game. Especially since it originally came out around the time Beyond, Two Souls came out, that game she was actually in.

Nope I just don't feel like wasting money (I'm an adult with bills to pay) on something that is generally not seen as a good movie and that I zero interest in seeing anyway. You can continue using your allowance from mommy and daddy to see crappy movies.

Based on what I've seen of it, read about it, etc. this movie sounds and looks just as bad as Transformers. The movie clips I've seen of it look bad and generally unpleasant to watch. The trailer confirmed that it was as bad looking as I thought it would be when I heard Michael Bay was involved with it and then

I'm knocking it because it looks like hot garbage and is very unappealing to the eye visually. Plus I grew out of TMNT a long time ago. It doesn't hold up in my opinion. Not to mention it's an IP that's been done to death. GotG may not be an brand new story but it is still characters that are unknown to myself and

Who said you HAD to watch this movie? I don't recall the trailers and TV spots saying you HAD to see this movie other hyperboles from movie reviews in the TV spots. It just sounds like you are a spoiled child trying their hardest to rebel against something that doesn't need to be rebelled against.

What is your problem with GotG exactly? What did you not like about it?

He is, I assume, saying it's a con because it looked really really bad. The overall design of the turtles looks really odd and really bad. There's too much going on on each of them and it looks visually unappealing. The CGI on it's own looks terrible anyway, then they pile more shit on top of them. Maybe it would

GotG was legitimately a great movie. It's people who are comparing it to Star Wars for some reason, it is never once advertised as a movie that's like Star Wars. It's your loss if you want to be a hipster and not see a great movie because it's not iconic. TMNT looked, from the start, like a god awful mess and

Yep me too. So glad that PSN isn't like that (if it does have tons of ads on it then I haven't noticed them, I dont really count the ads that show off new stuff in the store). Microsoft is pretty ridiculous about this stuff. I'm surprised my Windows 8.1 PC doesn't have ads when I am in the Modern UI area.

That's why there are ads plastered all over xbox live. Although those are just annoying instead of giving you free stuff.