Want something to run at 1080p all the time? Get a PC. Problem solved. Killzone isn't anything special anyway.
Want something to run at 1080p all the time? Get a PC. Problem solved. Killzone isn't anything special anyway.
I don't know I watched Akira recently and I wasn't really too impressed by it. It was more weird than anything else to me.
So it's not a product for you then. It's a product for people who enjoy playing games on tablets, emulators, and/or are PC gamer. You clearly are not any of those so why don't you jog on.
And not be able to play my PC games on it?
It is CG test footage. Ryan Reynolds apparently did all the mo-cap for it and the voice over as well. I think the reason it is not being made now is because the writers refuse to rewrite it so that it can be PG-13 instead of R.
Fox owns the rights to Deadpool as a character and any film version of Deadpool. They own it along with all of the X-Men stuff and the word 'mutant'. Which is why Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch will most likely be referred to as 'miracles' in Age of Ultron, and not mutants.
I've played Dota with the guy who designed that desk.
What the fuck? That was 3 minutes of non stop team fights. Incredible.
PC version is still up and running as far as I know.
Here's hoping someone makes a working Xbox emulator to play on my NVIDIA Shield.
Dredd was awsesome. Not sure what movie you were watching. I will be buying Halo 1 and 2 on PC at some point. While I hold out the slim bit of hope that MS will release the MC Collection on PC via Windows Store or Steam.
Lol. Sure you are pal. Sure you are.
Yeah hate to break it to you but the PS Vita is makes gorgeous looking visuals. There is no PS Vita game that looks as bad as that image in the article. Maybe you are thinking of the PSP.
Most of these characters are already anime girls...
You could buy a lot of things for a hundred dollars. You could probably buy a nice new pair of pants, or a remote-controlled car, or at the very least an exorbitant collector's edition of some game you want. But not this hundred dollars. You'll be spending this hundred dollars on Windows, the operating system that no…
More importantly why is that image considered new when it's dated 2012?
You are correct. It doesn't help that no one knows how to sit back and enjoy the ride. Instead they love to nit pick every little detail and every tiny flaw of anything that's meant to be entertainment, to be enjoyed.
They apparently had the plans for it somewhere in Asylum. I personally never came across it but that's what I've heard at least.
It probably has a bad rap because of the game breaking bugs it has that Warner Brothers said they were not going to fix. Then they turned around and released more DLC for people to pay for. That is shitty business practices and can reflect on the product. Arkham City was a great game. Story wise, sure it may have…