
And not be able to play my PC games on it?

It is CG test footage. Ryan Reynolds apparently did all the mo-cap for it and the voice over as well. I think the reason it is not being made now is because the writers refuse to rewrite it so that it can be PG-13 instead of R.

Fox owns the rights to Deadpool as a character and any film version of Deadpool. They own it along with all of the X-Men stuff and the word 'mutant'. Which is why Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch will most likely be referred to as 'miracles' in Age of Ultron, and not mutants.

Magneto being his father was just kind of mentioned in the movie though. If you weren't listening you wouldn't have heard it and it wouldn't have mattered.

If it wasn't for the Moto X existing I definitely would have gotten the HTC One when I was due for an upgrade

I've played Dota with the guy who designed that desk.

What the fuck? That was 3 minutes of non stop team fights. Incredible.

I agree with some of the stuff in this video. It had good points. The last part, about Darth Plagueis making life is, according to the extended universe, is actually how Anakin was conceived. Plagueis and Palpatine (the emperor was actually the padawan to Plagus) were doing something with midichlorians and it went

I don't think it should have been one movie but I can see why some people think it should have been one movie. Honestly the barrel escape didn't need to be as long and over the top as it was. The elven prison was also longer due to the conversation between the Killi and Tauriel (who isn't in the books and their for

Harrison had either constipation or diarrhea.

Now playing

No the Lucas deserves it all. The prequels were awful for so many reasons. Some of the biggest reasons being poor, hollow acting, boring stories, the whole thing being done in front of a green screen, conversations only happened when sitting/walking/slow walking/standing. It may sound petty but it makes the movies

That is a fact. Crystal Skull was better than Temple of Doom. The problem is we all have nostalgia for Temple of Doom because most people on here were kids when that one came out.

Did I ever say you were wrong?

They didn't have a problem with it in V for Vendetta.

Fox owns Deadpool, not Marvel. That was Ryan Reynolds speaking in the TEST FOOTAGE. It's not a fan made film, I doubt Ryan Reynolds would go to some guys house to record his voice.

You realize that is Ryan Reynolds speaking right?

PC version is still up and running as far as I know.

Here's hoping someone makes a working Xbox emulator to play on my NVIDIA Shield.

Dredd was awsesome. Not sure what movie you were watching. I will be buying Halo 1 and 2 on PC at some point. While I hold out the slim bit of hope that MS will release the MC Collection on PC via Windows Store or Steam.

And yet they still get away with charging $40-$50 for those crappy earbuds.