
It's because MS doesn't know how to package things like Apple even though the Zune HD was packaged like an iPod. It's a shame really. I found the Zune HD to be far superior to the iPod Touch as a music player which is what they are supposed to be.

I was just about to say the same thing! I love my Zune and those earbuds are still running strong for almost 4 years now. Zune HD was so underrated.

When inflation happened

Ahhh ok. It sounded odd to me but now I know.

Lol. Sure you are pal. Sure you are.

Yeah hate to break it to you but the PS Vita is makes gorgeous looking visuals. There is no PS Vita game that looks as bad as that image in the article. Maybe you are thinking of the PSP.

Just because you filmed it how does that mean you own copyrights to it? Don't you need to fill out forms and legal documents to get copyrights to anything?

Most of these characters are already anime girls...

The 3rd one was alright but the first two were just awful.

It's good to see Vin Diesel is back as the Iron Giant.

I'm pretty sure you are right, Rocket is the only one who understands him.

To be fair, wrestling is literally just acting. Just with fewer lines.

The show use to be soooooo great though. That's the only sad part of True Blood ending.

But I love her as a redhead :'( fuck purists and natural color. Keep her a redhead in Daredevil too.

It's impossible to rape something that George Lucas already savagely tortured and murdered over the course of six grueling years. JJ is here to help give my childhood good old fashion chest compression and first aid. God willing, that will be enough to get a pulse.

Words can't express just how awsesome that idea is. The merge everything thing.

You could buy a lot of things for a hundred dollars. You could probably buy a nice new pair of pants, or a remote-controlled car, or at the very least an exorbitant collector's edition of some game you want. But not this hundred dollars. You'll be spending this hundred dollars on Windows, the operating system that no

Now I know this probably takes place in the 70's and that's a different time from now but why in the fuck would you go over and investigate a neighbor instead of calling the police. Again maybe it's because of the time period but in that position I would call the police before going over to screaming just in case

Actually Annabelle was around before Chucky. Maybe not movie wise but as far as a physical thing she was.

YES!!! That's the best time to see a movie in general. No one is there to bother anyone. Its usually empty. Plus its half the price. That was the only time my girlfriend and I would go see a movie.