
Gun Stringer was a fun and well designed game. The Kinect is better for more practical uses other than gaming. Such as home made motion capture. The mods people have made are incredible. Maybe not the most practical to use in a game but they are impressive none the less.

What game was this in? The 3Ds One?

Knights of the Round with mimic is called the Sandwich summon, it was created to give the player time to get up and make a sandwich then come back and the battle is over.

Heather Ledger based his Joker on crack addicts. Just a fun fact I read somewhere.

Voice acting is still acting. Go watch classic episodes of The Simpsons. The episode "Round Springfield" and tell me it isn't heart breaking when Lisa is saying good bye to Bleeding Gums Murphy. The reason it's so sad is because the voice actress for Lisa is in the character of Lisa and there for sounds genuinely

It was a live action Anime and it was amazing.

Looks like Elizabeth has a tear that Booker is going to open

Samsung is one of the few manufacturers that still provides a removable battery. At least of the major manufacturers.


Video does not contain a lap dance

It's because they female body is more appealing to the eye to male, and even female, audiences. Don't get me wrong, I think the skins that are in the images are ridiculous especially if they are going for a realistic feeling game. It's kinda like in games where you make a character I usually go with a female

PDA's and tablets are two different things. Newton was a PDA with a lightweight OS. HP tablet from over a decade ago was running Windows XP. PDA's are closer to blackberries than a tablet.

I was so excited to see this movie. When I got to the theater to buy tickets I saw that fandango had lied to me. Fandango said the movie was going to be in 3D with D-Box. I got there and there was no D-Box in the theater. However it was still a fantastic, entertaining movie. Visually it is gorgeous. Very very

Stability wise they are finally catching up to Apple. As far as what it is able to actually do, I.E. features and tools, Android has been ahead for a long time.

You forgot to mention that MS also made tablets before Apple, they ran on Windows XP. But I guess this topic isn't about tablets.

This may be obvious but how do you run games at 2560x1440? 3 monitors?

There's no such thing as overpowered. It's just preparing for the future.

Thank you for the vote of confidence and life advice :-)

I can't wait for American Horror Story. All the promos that pop up on their face book keep getting weirder and weirder.

Fixed points? Not for the Time Lord Victorious there isn't.