
When I first saw the trailer for this before Pacific Rim I literally could not breathe and my mouth was wide open. Seeing that trailer terrified me. So I too hope this movie doesn't trigger a panic attack.

Hey! J.J. Abrams apologized about all the lens flares!

This seems like a place a hipster from America would live willingly...

Oh damn! That was funny.

Believe me I miss new IPs. I'm pretty tired of all the constant sequels that have been pumped out over this past generation. It's sad to see an industry that once had so many wonderful new ideas has turned into another Hollywood. While I want new games especially from Valve, to my knowledge they haven't released a

They innovated between half life 1 and 2. They put physics puzzles on the map. They could very well do something innovative with HL2Ep3. Assuming they are keeping it an episode and not a full on game.

They innovated between half life 1 and 2. They put physics puzzles on the map. They could very well do something innovative with HL2Ep3. Assuming they are keeping it an episode and not a full on game.

All I know is he channeled his inner Fonzie.

All I know is he channeled his inner Fonzie.

If you are taking music wise then like spetrarca86 is right, Google Music does a wonderful job of making music available to users. I'm not sure if DRM interferes with taking itunes music and putting it on Google Music but if it does an old trick my brother would do is burn as much music as he could onto a disc and

She'll be sick of the TARDIS too once Matt Smith is gone and the doctor is older.

The X-Wing is on the A Team. It was used to blow up the freaking Death Star, the Falcon came in as support. Not saying the Falcon is part of the B Team, I love it, I'm just saying that the X-Wing is far from B Team. The B-Wing and the A-Wing are part of the B Team with the Y-Wing. Alright maybe not the Y-Wing.

Wouldn't the easiest way to completely disprove this whole video game to real life video game thing be to look at every other country in the world? Other major countries around the world play the same video games here (unless you are in Australia in which case you get watered down versions) but their gun violence is

I've never played MineCraft before but I didn't think there were guns in that game.

Until I saw this trailer for the first time before Pacific Rim I didn't realize what happens in this movie is my greatest fear.

Why would someone take this drug knowing what it does?

But to climb mount Everest is an accomplishment and shows the limits of the human condition being pushed. This just shows that there are people dumb enough to inject something made out of things that don't belong in the body for really no reason other than to escape their life.

Wow there really is a major grammar issue with people these days. WTF.

The Knightfall costume reminds me of Spawn.

I hope if this becomes a full game that they add in the steering controls. When looked down all you see are legs and hands and it looks a tad strange. Also is that a picture of Leia.