
The first page of that thread and I can honestly say I didn't understand half of what they said. There were numbers and letters mixed together for some reason. I guess maybe they were sharing algebra equations. Then there was a lot of odd spellings for the word "fuck".

It's because you get to bring them with you. I haven't gotten certain HD remakes because I wait for the PS Vita version of it because I like to relax more than sit up in front of the TV. Jak and Daxter is a good example of this.

Don't you get to go to space in Saint's Row?

It's because the people who play it on PC like to mod the game and make it better than the version that came out originally. Whether it is to make the game look better (which is the case with GTAIV because frankly it wasn't very good looking) or to add new features and make it more fun. Which is a very important

I don't quite understand why they need money to make this mod. All the tools that are needed to make this mod are all in the Galaxy Editor. It's not like they need the money to buy extra programs to make anything. I could be wrong though.

Yeah I found that out. I didn't realize people made mods for the game like this. I thought they mostly consisted of retextures. I didn't look too much into it to know otherwise though.

The Mod. I had RE5 on 360 and enjoyed it very much. So I got it on Steam when it was really cheap because I've since switch to PC gaming. I will probably pick up RE6 when it's cheap on Steam as well.

Ohhhh it's a mod. Lol. I didn't bother fucking with mods for that game. Is it at least fun?

Where was that in RE5? I played through that game fully and don't remember this.

If that is from RE6 then what the fuck has that series turned into...

Looks like they have made a complete..... 360.

I thought I read on their youtube page that they did get permission from Square.

is that why the FOV on console games is small?

But 360 users still have to deal with that nonsense?

Oh yeah that picture. Yeah you bring up a good point actually.

Now that I have a PS Vita and love it more than any handheld I've ever owned I can honestly say, this affects me. I hope they do bring one to the Vita. It has potential to be amazing.

As interesting as that may be I don't think it will happen. Tenenbaum has a pretty pronounced German accent. Since we already heard Elizabeth talk and she didn't have any kind of accent. But given what we know from the end of BioShock Infinite it's entirely possible.

Just because it's taking place in Rapture doesn't mean it's the same Rapture that we visited in BioShock 1. Elizabeth looks bustier yes but I don't think it's more sexualized than her clothes in Infinite was. This is more conservative if anything seeing as there is no cleavage shown what so ever.

I like the new one.

Can we just skip ahead to where we find out that Walt is actually Gordon Freeman? Please?