
Walter has personality traits that are at least likable even though he's done really really shitty things. I'm on the 5th season and I can't think of a single thing that I like about Skyler's personality. She can be sane all she wants but that doesn't make her a likable character.

So were those suppose to be funny?

Well then you clearly don't know what a whore is.

I feel like that shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as I did.

Because she is trying to look like the screen shot and Elizabeth in the screen shot isn't exactly happy. Go Google her or look at her facebook page.

My brother dropped his Galaxy S3 on his iPad 2 by accident, the screen on the iPad immediately cracked. The S3 is fine.

because she obviously enjoys doing it.

Really? That's news to me. Thanks for the insight. PC or Mac I never liked the idea of an all in one system. Even before I understood how to make a PC for myself (I did know parts could be swapped out, just not how to do it) I didn't like the idea of having everything stuck somewhere I wouldn't be able to replace

You clearly had really bad components or games that were poorly optimized. The only time I ever have game crashes are my own fault. Game crashes for me occur only when I've modded the game and decided to add more mods and/or removing them when I am still playing the same character or game file.

Why is a desktop computer using a laptop graphics card.....

It's interesting and obvious that it's from the same artistic team as Twilight Princess.

Why is there a velociraptor calling out at 50 seconds?

Not without at least doing some research on the subject first so I don't sound like a complete moron.

Probably because they don't have to directly deal with hardware like PC gamers do.

As I said at the end, it's for comedic purposes. He said himself in a description or video that it's sarcasm.

There is nothing wrong with retro style games as long as it actually fits the style of the game. Graphics aren't everything whether they are really bad or really good.

That really wasn't all that funny though...

They are looking to fix continuity problems with the next film coming out... Maybe next year I think. Which is why they are bringing back the older versions of characters that were in first class and all the other mutants.

He's more pointing out mistakes in the movies than saying he didn't like that they did such and such. For instance, it didn't make sense that the guy was punch Logan in the face without getting hurt but when Logan starts fighting back that's when the guys hand breaks and you hear metallic clanks. It's made for the

That's a good attitude to go into seeing a movie that has prior source material. However if you didn't want the video it's not really what you think it is. It's not pointing out what the movie did wrong from the comics. The video is pointing out what it did wrong in terms of just being a movie. It's pretty funny,