
It could be just as easily patched in, depending on the size of it. You can patch almost anything into a game these days.

I wish it would change colors based on what is happening on screen but unfortunately it doesn't. It just gradually transitions between the colors or you can have it jump through them quickly. If you are interested I got it from IKEA for around $30.00. It's called a Dioder.

Coldhands should have already shown up by now. I hope they put him in the show. If they do maybe we will get a better idea of who he is.

That's my prediction as well. Second or third episode :-)

There are a few changes yes. Most of them don't bother me personally but a few do. At the end of season 2 Jqen H'ghar said he kills for the Red God (or it was something similar to that) which leads me to believe R'hllor and He of Many Faces are the same in the show. I'm hoping that isn't the case but who knows.

I think it was just a random soldier in the book who she killed at harrenhal with the coin drop. She killed the Tickler at that Inn while he was distracted by the Hound. If memory serves me correctly that is.

In the books she did. In the show she has only killed the stable boy at Kings landing. The way she escaped from Harrenhal in the books is the way she killed her first "man" in the show. That made me happy to see because I absolutely loved that part from ACoK.

No matter where the data goes, it's still creepy and it should be required to be plugged in at all times for the xbox to function. I have a kinect now and use it mainly to tell netflix to pause, play, and go to the next episode. MS can say the data is staying local all it wants, that doesn't mean it's true at all.

I think one of the problems soldiers had with the X1 is that the Kinect has to always be there listening which can be considered a security risk since it is probably sending all of our voice data straight to MS

I just looked it up and it turns out that the PS4 is able to do cloud computing as well (…). It just falls to the developers to say if they want to use it or not. Meaning the devs could potentially say they want their game to be online only even if it's single player only so

That's pretty awesome. It isn't always green though. It changes colors slowly between different shades of green, blue, purple, red, yellow, orange, and white.

You'd have to be a moron to play games with the lights off to begin with. I had them off to show off the lights.

Alright those are reasonable arguements. However, I play StarCraft II every single day, I know you can start playing blizzard games while they are still download/installing. It doesn't always work properly though. With the patch that was released before Heart of the Swarm came out some people who attempted to play

The reason so many people think they won this console war (myself included) is because there are almost no incentives to buy the damn thing. This is all coming from someone who used to love his xbox so much. I am a PC gamer now. I also hate using my PS3 for anything other than watching blurays. If they have server

I'm 100% sure it won't be hassle free. You still have to download a BIG file to play the games on your friends console. If that internet goes down for 1 hour and 1 minute, looks like you aren't going to be playing that game you probably spent a good hour or 2 to download. When Xbox one comes out and people actually

You can trade items on steam or games you are going to give as a gift. If you could resell or trade games in on steam I'd have a lot more money right now.

To be fair, for XBLA games, you need to be on Xbox Live to play any arcade games you are playing on a different console than the one you originally bought it on.

Why does it need to be verified more than 1 time then? For installing from the disc, I understand that. I think it's shitty and it shouldn't be there any in the first place but I get it. When downloading the digital only version though? Verifying more than 1 times is ridiculous. Steam hasn't made me verify

We haven't had a check in requirement EVER in the game industry. So why is it there now? To play preowned games? Bullshit. They didn't NEED to put a block on used games at all.