
Having zombies come after you if you talk in real life? That's an awful idea. What if you are playing with friends around who enjoy watching? "Guys you have to be completely silent. Turn off your phones and don't move around or the zombies will know I'm near by." Absolutely awful.

I don't remember anyone ever calling it the next dreamcast. It was a success as soon as it came out. Maybe the original xbox was considered that when it first came out (no evidence supporting that though)

The only reason they usually didn't run as well on PS3 is because the PS3's processor ran on a 64-bit architecture as opposed to the 360's 32-bit. 64-bit from what I hear 64-bit is more difficult to program for.

Since we are posting Battle Stations now....

You do realize that she isn't civilizing them right? She is freeing them from slavery.

That tilting thing that moves the background around with how you are turning it, my Zune HD has been doing that for a long time.


hey look they have a kinect also

Question. What is the difference between Autodesk 3DS Max and Autodesk Maya?

Lol. Don't worry, I thought the same thing for a minute.

I was simply quoting futurama for fun

It's called style. Look it up.

Temp0 is really fun. You should listen to the other songs he has up on there.

It isn't the charm of the show but it's the title of it. Giving him a name would make the name Doctor Who a pointless name for the show since we know his name. Thankfully they didn't do that.

It comes with the console buddy.


I guess no one told the writers that no one has ever said "I was about to achieve the next level". Also why are they portraying that girl as being completely ignorant on what he's actually playing?

They enjoy it. It's a talent to actually be able to make elaborate costumes like cosplayers do. Does it look ridiculous and a little over the top? Absolutely. Does that matter to them? Absolutely not. They do it because they have a passion for something and it drives them to actually do something constructive

Why is Killzone still relevant for graphical demonstrations?

I was wondering why no one has pointed that out on here yet. Lol.