
If they did do that then people would have been upset that he didn't look like he did in the comics. I don't know the comics but I thought what they did was really cool.

He said he prefers series long arcs just in case you missed that. That aside Davis seemed to know exactly where he was going with the series when he was in charge.

I wish Amy died off and it was just Craig, Rory, and the Doctor. Simply because Amy was fucking annoying. I want Rose and Martha back.

I think whatever happens is going to be the lead in to the 50th anniversary special and why 10 is back with Rose. God damn it I miss Rose so much. Amy sucked and Clara isn't as interesting as she really could be.

If they say his name it won't be something the audience hears. It simply can't be said to the audience. If it is then the show is completely over. It's called Doctor Who because no one knows his name (audience wise that is)

I feel like individual episodes of Doctor Who don't focus enough on the Doctor. Which is why I loved Nightmare in Silver so much. It focused on the doctor for the most part. It's so upsetting to see what the show has turned into. It's become bland and uninteresting to me personally. The 7th season as a whole had

I understand that but the amount they get paid, to me is ridiculous. All they do is play a game which is respectable especially if they are good but some of these salaries they get paid are a little much. I know nothing about economics but there are people who are on the streets, losing their homes, struggling

Beyonetta, if memory serves me correctly, was actually much larger than regular people.

Have you ever actually watched a pro StarCraft match?

To be fair, they shouldn't be getting paid hundreds of millions of dollars. NBA, NFL, baseball, etc players I mean.

How about you learn about what you are saying before making a comment. StarCraft Brood War just turned 15 at the end of March this year. Idra plays StarCraft II for a living, not Brood War.

Clearly you do not have student loans to pay off.

That is an absolute fact, same goes for Bill Maher. Though Bill Maher can be kind of a douche when it comes to his opinions, still funny and intelligent about it though.

In my opinion we have had the evidence without the need for official research. Millions of people play video games all over the country. We about how many a year that went out and killed some people and played video games? A dozen is probably stretching it by a bit. The numbers of those who go out and perform acts

I wonder, is the steering wheel in Wall-E a Portal reference in design or did Wall-E come out first.

I don't understand why anyone would want to carry around books when you can keep them all nice and neat on a device that most people carry around as it is already. Reading from a tablet or e-reader has actually gotten me to read books. I don't get much time to read but since getting a Kindle I have read through all

Lets see. Portal which started as a student project and showed that games can have personality, creativity, and innovation in a genre that really didn't have too much room to expand. Mass Effect showed how games can tell a very engaging sci-fi story. Then BioShock came along and showed that games are more than just

Sometimes internet connections drop or routers/modems break. With always on consoles that means that if the internet goes down I won't be able to even play single player games while I wait for the internet to return or for a replacement router/modem. Everyone just needs to get PC games instead.

Which is a shame because the PS3 is still the best bluray player you can get.

Actually the two games have got some similar and identical sounds. For example, the sound in Infinite when getting health is the same sound you hear when you restore EVE (or maybe it was health instead in the original game, I don't remember off the top of my head). Then there is the obvious vending machines. I