
The Witch, Hunter, and Smoker were also in cubes. I think I saw a head crab and possibly the tank as well. I wish I had a screen shot to point it out. I recommend watching this movie and just doing a slow-mo through this part.

Frankly the armor and clothing for female characters aren't as boring as the male counterparts. Male characters tend to be boring in my opinion. And the most basic argument, if I'm staring at the back of a character for hours and hours and hours why would I want to stare at the back of a male (obviously that isn't

I would hold off on Walking Dead and Supernatural for the time being. I love all three shows but Game of Thrones is much more difficult to follow than those two (though maybe not for you since you said you read the books), plus GoT is better than them (though I may be bias against Walking Dead since I have read the

Fuck that was funny.

At least Zelda and Mario change settings slightly and so does Uncharted

I wish I could get my computer to look as neat and tidy as yours :-(

Thanks for the tips! :-)

Dear Life Hacker,

Unless it's Call of Duty.

I see what you did there

I did the same thing after the first season ended. Then I read an excerpt from the book and fell in love with it. You should read the books.

Really? I know about 2 people who use the PS3 as an actual gaming machine. I myself only use it for blurays. Gaming is left to my PC, Vita, and sometimes my 360.

I was being sarcastic honestly.

Wishful thinking but will Diablo 3 character from PC transfer over to the PS3/4 version? Or better yet, will PC players who own it already be able to play it on PS3/4 for free??? Lol.

However that Capcom game looked gorgeous. Other than looking a little too much like Assassin's Creed (I love the AC series) Watch Dogs is awesome looking too.

Idk why but I am not really impressed by the Killzone's visuals. Maybe I'm just tired of the same shitty war settings.

You should look into one. I use to think the Vita was pretty lame but then I got one for the Holidays and I have to say I'm really impressed with it. I play it very frequently and it even got me to get PS Plus. I have only paid for probably 3 PS Vita games out of the 7 or 8 that I have on there. If only they

Based on the fact that I see 'PC' in 3 of the five spots on the picture I can only assume that this thing can play my Steam games and run windows or linux. If it can't Sony has started to make less sense than normal.

Thank you! That's been bugging me for the longest time.

Making it streaming only would be a costly mistake. I don't know too many in the US that actually cap data still but I know that service providers in Canada still cap data. I'm sure overseas they cap data as well. If they do it's a bad choice to do some kind of streaming only thing.