
Ok point made. I started reading the books because of the HBO series actually so it did seem tame to me.

That guy doesn't look old enough to even be able to reproduce...

I completely agree with you. It's hard to fully sympathize with her because she had to have known he was capable of violence before this. It's not like this was be the first act of violence this guy has committed.

I think he means the magic wasn't that way in the books. For instance, people weren't shooting fire from their hands. (I'm about half way through A Storm of Swords so that kind of magic could show up and I just haven't gotten there yet)

Yeah look at every first person shooter since CoD4 came out.

I was thinking the same thing. Magic in the book series isn't that obvious. It's more... subtle I guess is a word that could be used to describe it.

I have gotten almost midway through Storm of Swords and I really don't think there is that much sex in the series. Not as much as everyone says there is at least.

Yeah and of those millions most of them don't play anything but those games, halo, and madden.

I have not heard about this at all. I don't watch the news or any thing like that.

Yeah their focus began leaning towards showing cheaters and cops and their more redneck audience than what made G4 great. It sucks that he's leaving though, he actually cared about games.

You are more than welcome

Thank god someone said it. That game and Luigi's Mansion were amazing! Can't wait for LM2

The fuck is a beta-max.. I mean VHS?

Especially not women's underwear. *Shudders* So high up and pointy.

Yeah if you are into boring games like battlefield and crysis.

It may work for that situation but it wouldn't for FPS's. PC players would shread console players in FPS games.

Thank you for not being a jerk.

Excuse me for asking a legit question and not reading about miserable shit.

If it doesn't directly affect my I don't normally care enough to read about it

I don't think I was reading that article correctly or maybe I skimmed too much. Did this guy actually 77 kill people in real life or did he kill 77 players in the game?