
Fallout is still probably more fun

So this one time Activision released a game that wasn't a call of duty game....

Because the people who were fired/left the team after MW2 were the only ones with actual passion and a drive to make the MW games.

I'll be purchasing it on Steam whether it has GWFL or not.

I agree with most of what you said, I disagree with the over priced comment. After a year or so at least they aren't over priced, considering the hardware. The entire machine costs less than Nvidia's newest video card alone. Everything else you are right on the money about.

Buying a Bethesda game on PS3 is probably worse than just dealing with GFWL

The only time I can think of that GFWL is an issue for me is when I want to watch Netflix on my xbox at the same time as I'm playing a GFWL game. Why are people so uppity about this. I think people should be happy that it's coming to the PC at all, I know I am. Boo Hoo you have to deal with an annoying DRM, get

He's saying that most likely because those game may have pieces of art in them but the overall product is not actually artistic, specifically the call of duty games. They are, at this point, just another means for the publisher to make more money. After CoD4 the quality of the products began slipping because the

I didn't play AE myself because of the things you mentioned. However keep in mind they couldn't do anything new or fresh for the game since it was suppose to be Halo 1. Because of that they were confined to a certain mold that had to be filled a certain way, no taking liberties or doing something slightly different.

Gunstringer is awesome and uses the kinect and just the kinect. other than that i cant think of a game that is too exceptional.

Fuck you man I was trying my hardest not to think of that.

People like you, taking away freedoms one at a time.

I've been to two the first two PAX east shows and I can confirm not seeing more than a few children.

That Mordin co-play is awesome! Can he sing though?

Eh. She looks like two totally different people in certain pictures. I thought this was several different people and not because of the costumes and make up.

I'm confused. Are you saying the actress herself can't pull off Dany?

Can't tell if you are kidding or not....

I sincerely doubt an overwhelming number of players for the old republic are children. Most children are playing consoles, not PC.

MS will do that way faster than Sony will.
