
Gotta say Sneakers.

So other cars can see it.

This report lacks credibility. There is no such thing as an “unexpected loss” for the Cleveland Browns.

“Eat a big butthole, Canada, and wash it down with a bag of milk.”

What a strange Hill to dye on.

Adam doesn’t know what a mop is perhaps?

The movie theater story reminded me of one of my own. One time getting popcorn at a local multiplex, the (obviously new) teenage girl behind the counter asked me “Would you like a golden shower with that?” causing me to pause significantly before confirming that I would like some butter-like topping. While she was

No. I have a large mesh bag, and wash quality dress pants, pashminas, and knit shirts. This keeps down on pilling and pulling, as there is less friction on the delicate items.

Can’t even call it Rodney Peete’s family? The Lions just can't win anything...

As someone who already considers himself both fat and worthless, and who has been unkindly spoken to by members of the Kinja communities, I can tell you that owning those kinds of things doesn’t make hearing them from others any easier. However, my first reaction, at least in my own mind, is usually “tell me something

Nope there is a difference and that’s why companies like Uber, or even theater groups who do touring shows and places like Six Flags are in deep shit.

I’m assuming you’re joking because no one would be dumb enough to harass and call names in favor of anti harassment policy right?

Thanks Obama!

In all honesty, dealing with trolls online has made my IRL ability to turn the other cheek much better than it used to be. I’m less confrontational than I was before. I don’t know if this is normal, considering that the anonymity of the internet tends to make people more likely to confront others.

very much this. i hate to tell people to grow a thicker skin when others’ behavior can be so abhorrent, but trolling exists in the form of bullying IRL too, and we tell kids to just ignore it. idk. it depresses me that there isn’t really a solution, but people are jerks and will stay that way. i’d rather have freedom

“How do we beat trolls?” <— they just won

The other side of the sun is blue.

Exactly. My point being the correlation between poverty and pollution is trivial to explain.

Sigh. People really will complain about anything.