5. A college coach will focus on having an NFL prep school type program, gain a recruiting edge by promising a stronger path to the NFL and succeed based on better talent.
5. A college coach will focus on having an NFL prep school type program, gain a recruiting edge by promising a stronger path to the NFL and succeed based on better talent.
it implies that people of color are in possession of a certain amount of leverage that I’m really not sure we have.
The cost-cutting on Ozuna, which, his underwhelming performance this year aside, actively made the Marlins worse
On Sunday, for instance, a Taylor Swift fan essentially encouraged me to kill myself
Isn’t this really an indictment of the media, who get their feathers much more ruffled about STEROIDS than about DUIs, sexual assault and other bad athlete behavior?
marks the first time that college football players have received anything close to resembling compensation for their labor
Dude. That’ll never sell any books...
Eh, actually, that’s a pretty good joke...
If you have to ask...
One of his surgeries involved full cervical fusion
Just over a minute into the second half, Shinji Kagawa popped in a volley from the penalty spot to make the score 3-2 when Odds BK failed to clear.
Best advice my dad ever gave: “If you’re going to drink alot, stick to beer”
This sounds a little like White Priviledge to me.
Gotta use that “Timer” setting, dude!!
Dez Bryant thinks it was a catch.
But as long as Tom Brady maintains his innocence, there’s a large segment of football fans IN NEW ENGLAND that will believe him
NBA Hangtime (N64, 1997)
Don’t fuck with the narrative, bro.
I’m all for people doing what they want to do, but please tell me you see the difference between essential jobs like cop, soldier and firefighter and people who do dangerous things for entertainment.
I suppose we should start with a quick overview of why one would want to use those little mesh baggies. (This thing, for the uninitiated, is what we’re talking about.)