
From ginger haters to redhead fetishists, red hair polarizes the populace. It's a high-risk, high-reward volatile substance that rocks the scales of attractiveness. No other hair color can claim as much. So what the hell is going on here?

I know, man...

On the first two takes, Kelly said 'Guys, we can't say this. Zendaya is a friend of the show.'

Chu Chu Maduabum to Sixers

Good for MLS? Or Bad for MLS?

You know a team that could use a TE? The Seahawks.

I blame Rap music.

Amusing that this piece from Grantland was posted today.


If you come across a car that has spun out or slid off the road or that can't get up an incline, get the fuck out of your car and help. We're living in a society, here.

although I am a little worried that Watt won't be able to take the pack of wolves that he will inevitably become the leader of back to Houston with him.

I think you misunderstood that piece. It's not about a shy-ness or a lack of desire to express himself. He just thinks the media is bullshit and doesn't want to play that game (for better or for worst).

Five years ago today, professional dumb person Clay Travis tweeted a bold-ass prediction.

It's generally preferred when you want to make the point that the difference is not as big as people believe. This chart highlights the fact that the relative difference is very big, the author does not like this.

Hey Greeeeeeg.... Would you happen to be a fan of a certain team from the Greater Boston area??

But this dickhole my buddy brought along decided to eat his entire order of fries before he even touched his burger. I was pretty appalled in my drunk stupor, but I held it together and didn't say anything. But what really got me was that he couldn't finish his burger because he "felt full."

Frank's, Tobasco, Sriracha, that one tasty Korean hot sauce (gochujang), and the habanero sauce of your choice.

Now playing

Yeah, it was in a commercial... Congratulations on being marketed to.

Refs lightly handle the balls as they come on and off the field of play. This man grips each ball tightly and throws it precisely to a given spot at 40 mph. A little different...