
I'm also gay, and high on ecstasy. To quote my hero, Freddie Mercury,

I'm also gay and high on ecstasy. Having the time of my life. To quote my hero Freddie Mercury, don't.

I'm playing Bioshock Infinite. Better luck next time. Fag.

I'm not much of a swimmer, but, does anyone else find swimming on your back and kicking with your feet less tiring? Not said I'd make it, but that's what I'd try.

Funny, I'd do that very same thing all over your mom's face.

I'm being dramatic, of course. You've got a track record of taking things the wrong way. Thought I'd need to clarify. I do hope you get every type of cancer though. I'd find that deliciously poetic.

Whatever man, you win. You obviously care enough to harangue me endlessly. See? You're gonna comment to this, even. Have a nice day. I hope for your sake, we never meet and that I never have the legal opportunity to introduce a hammer to your skull. Over, and over, and over again.


Some cheese is processed, and last forever,

-Assumes I would rather install BootCamp than die...

I have two Macs. One is new, a desktop. The other is old, a laptop. Nice try.

Future murderer. If you haven't already...?

Yet, as a Mac owner, I don't feel the need to insult your intelligence. Huh...

It's a perfectly reasonable point to raise that PC owners will never grasp. Certainly because they're mostly not mature enough to hear it in the first place. Good job.

I feel like I'm gonna get SWATed for saying they should make more games for Mac. Just a feeling.


Says you and everyone who doesn't want/own a Mac. That's the attitude that galvanizes the reality of the situation. If there's one of me who feels this way, there are others. FACT.

Maybe you can help me. I have a XPS 1330. There are two flashing LED lights by the screen that blink when I turn it on. Then it shuts off. One time, I yanked the CMOS battery from it, and it worked perfectly, for some reason. Worked for about a day, then bricked up again. The Inspiron sucks, but I think if I can get

You're still probably a psychopath.

Looks like a dumbass.