I'm looking for an introductory anime and JRPG to pop my cherry with. I'm thinkin' Ni No Kuni for a game.
You're a cunt, Rebecca.
Who threatened to rape you?
Talk about eating to forget.
She was a good addition to House.
Ah, great. Sound for both?
Does anyone else think picture-in-picture is a great idea for the new gen to adopt? Imagine playing a game and watching Netflix at the same time.
I don't understand sports.
Sexism, misogyny, childbirth and menstruation aside, I'd like to come back in the next life as a woman.
Kramer: "I thought we were gonna have a steam!!!"
It's too bad trucks don't have their own highways.
I never noticed you lose ammo when you die. Huh.
It's about time someone did this. This probably cancels out the whole terrible stick to the wall mechanic that's plagued my enjoyment of this otherwise fine franchise.
It's the Empire Strikes Back of Uncharted games :)
Congrats! This is another thing I'm jealous about. I have no Photoshop skills. I do have Procreate, for, get this, iPad. And it has been a godsend. I don't know how people do it with Photoshop (of course, I've seen many people in college use tablets and stylus', so I get that), but, hey, I've created beautiful things…