
This is probably the best Uncharted. It gets my vote because you get to be in a building as it's falling over!!! HOW INSANE IS THAT?! Granted, Uncharted 3 has the whole falling-out-of-a-plane-as-you-fall-towards-a-crate-that-has-a-parachute-on-it-that-you-need-to-release-or-else-you-DIE scenario... and that was

As a pedestrian, I have no choice but to put my faith in driver's ability to know what the hell they are doing. Being impatient and close-cutting me constantly as I'm quickly trying to cross an intersection doesn't really fill me with any confidence that people care that I'm there or not. When we cross the road, we

No way, worst level I can remember is the final boss fight from the first game. I wanted to kill myself I died so many times.

You lucky S.O.B!!!

"Anime pornography"... I think, I think there's a word for that.

I don't know why, but I think it's weird to see Japan with snow. I mean, I know it does, because of where it's located. I just feel like they'd have robots to keep it bay, or something. I don't know.

If it's obvious to you, imagine how I feel.

I have tonnes if you're interested.

Then your best bet is to draw cities, and of course landscapes. I'm getting you like impressionist interpretations. Force yourself to draw in small time increments; start with 1 minute drawings, then 2, then 5, 10, and so on. You'll find that you've done a lot of practicing in a style that suits you.

I think you might've licked Old Man Willow.

How do you feel about sushi? My guess is you don't find it pretentious? Coffee needs to be done right too. Just look at the menu at a Starbucks, or what we're (semi) forced to skull back in Canada, Tim Hortons. Not saying this is right, or wrong, but...

I went to college for art and graphic design, so I've done quite a bit of life drawing classes (though I've yet to finish - hope I'll go back some day). You might not have a teacher walking up to you, looking at your work and telling you what's good/what needs improvement while you're drawing a nude model or a bowl of

I find myself jealous of some people's ability to imagine the future and illustrate it.

One thing I know for sure is that Alec Guinness hated all of this.

So, there was always a little bit of good left in him? Good which culminated into Vader sacrificing himself for Luke?

This guy?

Maybe the Dark Side is more potent?

Obi-Wan Kenobi likes this.

How come Luke ended up in the sticks and Leia ended up a princess? If I were Luke, I'd resent that.