
Kittens are way better that dumb game.

Is that a Supertroopers t-shirt?!

I kinda did too, but I was expecting more... Ruddiness. Felt a little flat.

What a rip off, it's just Kim Cattrall sittin' Indian style.

He's good, he just looks more like Peter than he sounds. 8/10.

I watched a news report about people who sweep up shit in India, and it's all yellow, 'cuz of like lentils or spices or whatever. Turns out a huge portion of the population in India's cities don't have toilets.

I loved swimming down that big hole in M's-Mask.


I want Trey Parker or Matt Stone to do the trailer.

I was waiting for the needle to scratch the record after all that seriousness.

Like if Sauron was a robot. Terrifying.

They should Samurai Jack the shit out of FF7.

Not to mention on people's hands when they don't fucking wash 'em.

I'm not French, so I like having my water as far away from poop as possible, ha-cha-cha-cha-cha.

Actually, it IS the disgusting, but that's not the point.


This reminds me of that awesome feeling I'd get when I'd obliterate my high score in Tony Hawk with one really long trick.

I only played a few minutes of the first game, but if it based on anything like Chernobyl, it's gonna take a while.