
Goin' down to Mushroom Kingdom, gonna have myself a time...

I'm not, (well, not always), but this is just - - - I don't know! It certainly cannot be canon (cannon?)

Burn all of these immediately.

See this, Gamestop? This is how you put games on your shelves - - alpha-fucking-betically.

"The Colt Single Action Army...

Think it's time I layaway me a PS4...

How low can you go?

Koffing isn't evolving, he's metastasizing.

How about adjusting the amount of gravity from planet to planet? Double jumping on Earth is a blast, double jumping on the Moon or Mars, not nearly as much.

Okami? That is sooooo 2006.

7 billion other people do nothing.

And here I thought wanking it everyday of the year would garner me some attention.


Sorry to be tardy to the party, but, PS3 online stuff is free, but PS4 follows an Xbox Live business model?

Schrodinger's Box, of course!!!

You're just gonna be born as someone else, somewhere else. How else do you explain being born you, at such and such day and year? One soul? More like, one electron.

D'oh, that's who I meant :)

Hugh Laurie or Tim Cook - - er, I mean Curry?

That's not Yoshi's tongue...