

How much would a Lego set for your Lego people cost? More because it's small, or less because it's small?

Lego my Eggos.

Solution? Don't have friends. Convince yourself you're better off. Besides, it frees you up to comment on shit online.

2nd quote: Women can/should be able to work in whatever field they want. If an industry lacks women, maybe it is because more women lack an interest to work in that industry.

Have you heard...?

Women are weird.

Blue-up dem eyes!

Please, please, please, please, PLEASE don't cast Queefer Sutherland...

So Sim City 2000 isn't the SNES version? Or did this one just come out in 2000? I only ever played the SNES version myself, and sucked at it (I was a young lad), but I've been playing Family Guy: Quest for Stuff a lot lately, and have been jonesing for a way better city builder.

Lionel Hutz reference! Got it!

''Humiliatingly'' doesn't feel right in my mouth... that weird?

Would it have been better or worse if he'd have thought Nelson Mandela was Morgan Freeman?

Apparently, Mutombo was explaining the game to him. Isn't that cute? Then, Will and Kate met Jay Z and Beyonce. God, I hope he called him Jay Zed.

"Come on, Foreman, we must have stereotypes for a reason."

This is why when I work in a restaurant, I always do dish. It's good exercise and you don't have to put up with anybody except servers demanding cups and cutlery, which they always do, even though it is up to them to bring you those things so you can wash them, what do they think, that I shit cups and cutlery on

Haven't bought this yet, but I am kinda tired of sliding sliders or whatever in order to make a cool looking hero. Not that I'm cool looking, but I'd like to actually put myself in a game for once.

lol "sex pests". Also, I thought it said Coldplay adds nothing of value.


Oh, that's right. My bad.