You can TOTALLY give it to s valet, what are ya talking about?
You can TOTALLY give it to s valet, what are ya talking about?
I loved this map in Unreal 3. In fact, it was really the only one I played.
How is it that the company which defined multiplayer is suddenly unable to do it?
This is why I'm a Zeppelin man.
You know that album cover of John and Yoko?
I don't believe humans are... what the hell is the word... mono... fuck. MONOGAMOUS. That's it. But it's so disheartening to know people cheat. I would never want to be cheated on, so I could never cheat.
"Poor old Walt has a polyp in the duodenum... It's benign, but, what a bastard."
I FINALLY have Mirror's Edge. I've been wanting this game for years, had ample opportunity to buy it several times, cheap, and yet, I've always said, "Naaah, not today." And I've bought other games in that time too. I'm glad they did this. I've been a faithful Playstationer for 20 freakin' years, and will be for…
Every time a cop uses excessive force, an angel gets its wings.
Small, but efficient.
You couldn't ask for nicer Royals. She's from the middle class, and he spent the night on a London street during winter, which is way more than most of us can say we've done. Sometimes people give up being a Royal, but you can't really blame someone for being one when you'd probably take advantage of your bloodline.
You put Wendy's Employee and Sassy in a sentence, my brain jumps straight to black lady. Nice she's spreading a little sunshine in people's lives.
You burn Oog like fire burn Oog.
It has to be porn, because how could anybody have relationships when you have this? How could you tear yourself away from it?
He looks like a truck driver. He just needs egg on his shirt, a rolled up porn mag, and a dead hooker.
A Canadian company making an American themed game, starring two Italians...
I know. I can't stand new genners. This was like a love letter to us who get it.
Sweet! Sandwiches next week!