

It might be the lovely cabernet sauvignon merlot blend I'm drinking, but the winner really made me laugh.

Ah, but young Drake is who'd I'd totally turn gay for.

Anyone else not like Geoff Keighley?

Drake with a slightly different haircut, eh?

Man, what the hell? Most MMO's are the same old tropes, again and again. Medieval-ish fantasy and magic. Elves, elves everywhere. But this? This woulda scratched an itch.

Oh, yeah, the drinking with your eyeballs thing. Yeah, that was a thing.

Does anyone still do that in GTA anymore, get a prostitute and then kill her? That's so whenever-GTA3-released.

I hardly ever read whole articles on here, or Gawker. But this I read. I'm the youngest of 3, parents divorced, Aspergered, reclusive, lonely, depressed, hate my brothers, self-medicate, but I call my mom pretty much every day. We don't have a lot to talk about, but, at least she has somebody there who cares enough to

"Bar keep! I'll have a whiskey shunt, please."

What? It gets absorbed into your system quicker that way.

Remember when all you had was the satisfaction of beating something?

Scary prospect, considering they are only in university to play.

If it's made by the Dead or Alive people, I'm in.


This should work, in theory, but it just isn't the same as grinding in a game...

No, there's no place like London.

What exactly do you expect Dinklage to do in Destiny?

Would've been easier to make them deeper than to have a boring machine at that time. But compare to Ian Fleming's Bentley, it is narrow. And kinda small. Again, compared to the Bentley.