
Did you see the Spitfire engined car on Top Gear?

If by today's masculinity you mean unfair, then yeah. Fight equalist fight. We'll meet in the middle, ladies.

The fact it is a Fiat... Cars which have the spirit of driving, but not necessarily the mechanical follow-through

And I was scared of the Bentley.

I thought it said Van Art. Y'know, on a pedo-wagon?

Samus Cannon-Hands. I wrote a screenplay and sold it to Amblin. Or Spielberg. Or whatever. PATENT PENDING.

I have a Wedge Antilles action fig, circa the first run of SW toys FOR SALE, unboxed, played with. He's wearing X-Wing/Snowspeeder flight gear. It could be Luke, actually, since it was made before I was born... BEST OFFER and it's yours.

Sorry, apparently, I used flippantly quite wrongly.

You guys and gals have been saying a lot of positive things about this game to flippantly add "lack of technical polish"...

My tv reminds me of that thing at the beginning of 2001. Black, rectangular, powerful.

Just bought Destiny yesterday. First new game purchase in a year. Wal Mart didn't have it for 49.99, so I bought it for 59.99 at Future Shop. I've made it to the Moon solo. I never liked Halo, but I know it is renown for it AI. I am having such a blast running around, double-jumping, being flanked by these dudes. The

Wouldn't catch me in there without one of these on my nose. Sweaty nerds and Doritos breath.

A lightsaber with lightsabers on it? C'mon...

So are women! :D

PSA: Valentine's Day is next week.


Needs console command removeallitems and a nude mod.

See? And I'm sure getting a free game and DLC has nothing to do with it.

Geez, I guess my luck has been better with Sony than Xbox, than wha you've experienced. That's beyond ridonculous. I thought Sony was the stalwart of the console landscape. I no longer know what to think! Maybe I'll go back to Microsoft in the long, long run.

That's good. I got mine about the same time. I remember this vividly because my ex bought me the 360 Christmas 2009 and we broke up October 2010. I loved my 360. But the PS3 I bough in 2012 has survived despite sucking up a tonne of dust and 400 + hours of Skyrim. I never even shut the thing off, I just turn my TV