
And I'd be willing to bet a few of those people were women. Go fucking figure.

Question. Is waiting decades to say something as effective as immediately saying something?

Their neighbours with Polyphony Digital.

"Forty whacks with a wet noodle, Bart!"

I still have and am still happy with my Logitech one for PS3. I suppose one day I'll have to upgrade. By then, you'll be reviewing the first licensed PS5 racing wheel.

In games, I've had to imagine that I am not some super human capable of taking shot after shot, while my enemies die with the same guns and ammo, but rather, that as the games indicate damage, I am actually someone whose in more and more danger as the screen turns red, and that I could be moments away from being

That guy in the corner

I can't express the amount of LMAO, but that made my night. You win an internet.



Oh, so that's why I hadn't heard of it.

'Cuz Oklahoma?

Blasto? I remember Blasto. Phil Hartman, right?

It was never etched into my mind, having played most of Combat Evolved years ago. I think Skyrim is better, imo.

Commercials for games (at least where I am) back in the day were rare. It was either Final Fantasy 8 or 10 when I saw my first. And I was raised by television.

Neo-slaves, then.

Let us know how it goes!

You could even take the picture above and just print that, couldn't you?

Yeah, it does look like shit. They shouldn't have bothered.

I bet Jian Ghomeshi is glad the heat's been taken off him for a bit.